Electromagnetic Spectrum
Mirrors and Law of Reflection
Lenses and Refraction
Wave Behaviors & Light

In any order, list the 7 electromagnetic waves

Radio, Micro, Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma


If you look at a spoon at arms length, what would the reflection of yourself look like on the inside of the spoon? (one description needed)

1) Inverted (upside down) image, skinnier/thinner


A Lens is a ____________, or see through object, that has at least one _________ side.

transparent, curved


Explain what makes Bow Fishing so hard, in terms of light.

Since light enters a new medium (air to water, hits the fish and reflects back out to air), the light curves, or bends. This makes the fish appear in a different spot when looking at it from outside the water, in relation to where it REALLY IS in the water.


List the 3 waves that are dangerous (also called ionizing) because they have extremely high frequency and because of that, can rupture cells or even atoms.

Gamma Ray, X-rays, and some forms of UV light.


Harley learns that a campfire can be started by using a concave mirror and sunlight. The diagram represents three parallel rays of sunlight hitting a concave mirror and light ray 1 being reflected.

Describe the paths of light rays 2 and 3 as they would be reflected by the mirror.

2 would reflect straight back

3 would reflect TOWARDS the middle, meeting at a focal point with rays 1 and 2. 


What is the area called where all beams of light meet after passing through a convex lens?

the Focal Point


Which wave behavior describes what happens when light is shown through a prism?

Refraction (light "bends" into the different wavelengths of color)


True or False:

Gamma rays travel faster from point A to point B than visible light waves because Gamma rays have more energy than visible light.

False, ALL electromagnetic waves travel the same speed, hence the "speed of light" seeing as they are all considered light. 

Gamma has more frequent waves, therefore it DOES have more energy, but does not move faster from one place to another


Draw a concave and convex mirror and label each. 

Also, draw how light waves change as they hit each mirror. 

Hint: (Draw 3 light waves that hit the mirror, bounce off, and show which way each wave should travel)


Tommy is wanting to start a campfire using light from the sun.

1) What type of mirror could he use to do this?

2) What type of lens could he use to do this? 

1) Concave Mirror

2) Convex Lens


If ALL light waves are reflected off a medium or object, then what color will be perceived?



List the colors of the rainbow in order from SHORTEST WAVELENGTH to LONGEST WAVELENGTH.


Using the following diagram, find the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection:

Both are 80o


If you look through a magnifying glass at an object that is really far away, the image you see will be 1) ______ and will look 2)_______ than the actual object.

Word bank: Inverted, upright, larger, smaller, the same

1) Inverted

2) smaller


Describe what happens when white light hits this shirt:

All the colors in white light get absorbed EXCEPT the BLUE wavelength, it REFLECTS off the shirt back to our eyes.


Draw and label the electromagnetic spectrum as a single wave from small wavelengths to large wavelengths

You're drawing should include: 

-Short to long wavelengths drawn from left to right

-All 7 labels for the electromagnetic spectrum IN THE CORRECT ORDER based on your wave drawing

-The same amplitude for the entire wave


Draw and label a diagram that shows the law of reflection.

Include in your drawing and labels:

Mirror, Normal, Incident Ray, Reflected Ray, Angle of Incident (i), Angle of Reflection (r)


Draw a concave and convex lens and label each. 

Also, draw how light waves change as they pass through each lens. 

Hint: (Draw 3 parallel light waves that hit the lens, pass through it, and show which way each wave should travel)


List all 5 Wave Behaviors and draw an image of each.