Sticky Tape Magic
Numbers Game
Dead White Guys
Frikkin' magnets, how do they work?
The first rule of sticky tape interactions is that electrons and electrons ____ while electrons and protons ____.
What is repel and attract?
Using this type of circuit to wire all of the appliances in your kitchen would be silly because the refrigerator wouldn't work unless the microwave was turned on.
What is a series circuit?
This is the equivalent/overall resistance of a 2 Ohm and a 4 Ohm resistor connected in parallel.
What is 4/3 (1.333...) Ohms?
Invented the lightning rod to protect against, you guessed it, lightning.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
This is the area of a magnetic material in which electron spins line up, creating a strong magnetic field.
What is magnetic domain?
This natural phenomenon occurs when the base of a cloud builds up a large amount negative charge, which then seeks to discharge to the ground.
What is lightning?
This is often confused with "speed", but is actually the number of electrons flowing by a location each second.
What is current?
A 2 Ohm resistor and a 4 Ohm resistor are connected in series to a 12 V battery. This is the resulting current and power (P = I*V) in the circuit?
What is 2 Amps and 24 Watts?
Believed strongly in direct current electricity, enough so that he allegedly electrocuted animals to prove his electricity was safer than Tesla's.
Who is Thomas Edison?
In an electromagnet, this is one way the magnet strength could be increased.
What is 1) increase the battery voltage or current or 2) increase the number of wire loops?
The electric field surrounding a battery would point (towards/away) from the positive terminal and (towards/away) from the negative terminal. This is the also the conventional direction of current flow.
What is away and towards?
Any circuit component whose physical dimensions reduce the rate of current has this property. Lightbulb filaments are a common example.
What is resistance/resistor?
This is the current through each of the resistors of the circuit shown if each resistor is 5 Ohms and the total voltage across the batteries is 15 V?
What is 3 Amps?
Introverted and obsessive compulsive, this genius invented alternating current electricity.
Who is Nikola Tesla?
A refrigerator door is an example of this type of magnet because it does not retain its magnetism once an external magnetic field is removed.
What is a temporary magnet?
The force between two charged objects becomes this many times smaller when the distance between them triples and one of the charges is halved.
What is 18 times smaller?
The difference in energy carried by each electron between two locations in a circuit.
What is voltage?
A 6 V battery in the circuit shown moves 0.01 A of current through three identical bulbs. What is the resistance of each bulb?
What is 200 Ohms?
Hans Christian Oersted discovered that when current flows through a wire, this is created in the space around the wire.
What is a magnetic field?
An electric generator converts ___ energy into ___ energy by changing a magnetic field (by moving a magnet) around a conductor/wire.
What is mechanical/kinetic energy to electrical energy?
A positively charged balloon is brought nearby a neutral metal sphere, which is connected to the ground via a person's arm. This is the resulting charge of the sphere.
What is negative?
In a multi-path circuit, the path with the least amount of resistance will have the greatest ___.
What is current?
Two electrons, each with charge 1.6 x 10^-19 C, are held 0.1 cm apart. This is the magnitude of the repulsive force between them. (k = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2)
What is 2.3 x 10^-20 N?
Discovered by Michael Faraday, the fact that a changing magnetic field induces ____ in nearby conductors is the basis for electric generators.
What is current?
An electric transformer is a device used to transform high-voltage current from a power station into safer low-voltage current for use in your home without sacrificing _____.
What is power?