Starting Phone Calls
Leaving a Voicemail
Ending Phone Calls
Exchanging Contact Information
Internet Safety

What is the first thing you should do when starting a phone conversation?

Ask for the person you are calling for. 


How many times can you call someone or leave a voicemail before it gets creepy or annoying? 

Two Times

It's called the Two Message Rule


Give an example of a cover story for why you to end the phone call.  

1. I have to go and eat dinner. 

2. I need to do my homework.

3. My parents are calling me for dinner. 


Should you ask for a strangers phone number that you just met?

No. You should trade information a few times before asking for someone's phone number. 


Should people make NEW friends online? Why? 

No. Don’t turn online friends into real life friends unless you already know them. 


Why is it important to say who you are when starting or making a phone call? 

So they know who they are talking to and who you are. 


When leaving a voicemail, what is the last thing you should say before you hang up?

Say goodbye. 


What is the first step when ending a phone call? 

A. Wait for a bit of a pause. 

B. Just hang up. 

C. Let the other person hang up the phone first. 


How do you assess someone's interest when exchanging contact information? 

Are they looking at me, facing me, and talking me. 

Also acceptable, did the person seem interested when talking to me?


What is cold calling and why is it a problem?

Reaching out to someone who did not give you their contact information. It is creepy.


Give two examples of a cover story why you are calling. 

1. I was calling to see if you could jump online to play video game. 

2. I was calling to see what you are doing this weekend. 

3. I was calling to see what I missed in class yesterday. 


Should you leave a cover story when leaving a voicemail? Provide one cover story when leaving a voicemail. 


I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out. 

I was calling to see if you wanted to jump online to play video games. 

I was calling to get information on what we did yesterday in class. 


When ending a phone call, what is the last thing you should say before you hang up?

A. Say Goodbye

B. Say Nothing

C. Just hang up


What needs to happen first before exchanging contact information?

A. Find a common interest. 

B. Make sure your phone is charged. 

C. Make sure the person is facing me, talking to me or looking at me. 

D. A and C 


What is the problem with getting personal on social media or text message?

You don't know who may see it. It may be embarrassing.


With a partner on your team, follow the steps for starting a phone call. 

  1. Ask for the person you are calling. (Hi, may I speak with ………?) 

  2. Say who you are (Hi, it’s …….)

  3. Ask how they are (How’s it going?)

  4. Ask if they can talk (Can you talk right now? )

  5. Give a cover story why you are calling (I was calling to see how you’re doing).


When leaving a voicemail, what information should you leave so the person knows who and how to call you back? 

Leave your name, number and when you called. 


What could be the problem with saying goodbye when ending a phone call and just hanging up? 

The person might think you are rude and won't want to talk on the phone with you again. 


Why is it important to find a common interest before exchanging contact information?

A. It can be used as a cover story for future contact. 

B. It gives you something to talk about. 

C. You don't need a common interest if you already know them. 

C. A and B. 


When a person pretends to be someone else online either by lying about their appearance or age, and to extort something, what is this considered? 

A. Catfishing

B. Identity Theft

C. Wire Fraud

C. Assault


Why should always ask if the person can talk when making a phone call? 

They could be busy or talking on the other line. 


Practice the steps for leaving a voicemail with someone on your team. 

  1. Always say who you are. 

  1. Say who you are calling for. 

  1. Say when you are calling. 

  1. Give a cover story for calling

  1. Always leave your phone number. 

  1. Say goodbye


Practice the steps for ending a phone call with someone on your team. 

  1. Wait for a pause

  2. Give a cover story for going

  3. Tell them it was nice talking

  4. Tell them you will see or speak to them later

  5. Say goodbye


Practice the steps for exchanging contact information with a member of your team. 

  1. Trade information multiple times

  2. Find common interests

  3. Use common interest as a cover story for contact

  4. Assess interest

  5. Suggest exchanging contact information



You get a notification on Instagram that someone has commented on one of your photos. You look at the comment, and it's offensive and rude. What should you do? 

A. Delete the comment, don't respond, and block the person who made the comment.  

B. Call the police.  

C. Ask the person who made the comment why they did this? 

D. Do the same thing to the person who made the negative comment.