Periodic Table I
Periodic Table II
Electrons and Ions
This is the definition of 1st IONIZATION ENERGY.
What is: Energy required to remove electron from valence energy level of a neutral atom in ground state (and technically, you should ALSO mention that atom is in the gas state).
This is the element in period 4 with the lowest ionization energy.
What is potassium (K)?
This element gains 3 electrons to become isoelectronic with krypton.
What is Arsenic (atomic #33)?
A and B are electrons in the same atom. Both are in the same px orbital in quantum level 4. How many quantum numbers do they share?
What is 3?
This is the order from highest to lowest electronegativity for these elements: K, As, Se.
What is Se highest, then As, and finally lowest K?
This is the only periodic trend we are studying that relates directly to chemical bonds.
Comparing aluminum and gallium, this metal is the more reactive of the two.
What is gallium?
An oxygen ion has this charge, and the same electron configuration as this noble gas.
What is a 2- charge, and what is configuration of neon? (10 electrons)?
This is translation of the German word, "aufbau," and this is how the word applies to electrons in atoms.
Aufbau means "building up", and applies to building up bigger and bigger electron clouds, by electrons occupying lowest available energy orbital.
This is the number of molecules of water in 1 mole of water.
What is 6.02 x 10^23 molecules of water, you silly goose!?
This is the most reactive nonmetal element in group 15.
What is nitrogen?
Comparing lithium and sodium, this element is the less reactive of the two.
What is lithium?
When barium becomes a cation, its electron configuration is the same as the configuration for this group 16 anion.
What is Te 2-, the teluride ion.
This is the mass of 2.5 moles of carbon (nearest whole number answer).
What is 30 grams?
This is the number of moles of Na AND the number of moles of Cl in 2 moles of sodium chloride, NaCl.
What are 2 moles of Na and 2 moles of Cl?
These three elements are the most electronegative, surpassing all other species in their ability to hold onto electrons.
What are fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen?
Only these electrons are shown in symbols called "dot structures".
What are valence electrons?
Valence electrons (in general) found in orbitals in these energy levels.
What are the highest occupied quantum level s and p electrons?
This is the meaning of the word, "electrolyte".
What is: A compound that forms a solution that conducts electric current when dissolved in water?
This is the molar mass of Mg(OH)2, magnesium hydroxide. (Nearest whole number OK)
What is 58.6, so about 59 grams?
The effective nuclear charge, Z, is equal to 8 for elements in this group.
What is group 18, or the noble gases?
Of isoelectronic species Cl 1-, S 2-, K 1+, and Ca 2+, this particle has the smallest radius.
What is Ca 2+?
While isoelectronic with Neon, the aluminum ion (Al 3+) has larger/smaller radius, and this is why.
What is smaller, and electrons in same Major quantum level, attracted by 13 compared to Neon's 10 electrons.
This explains why electrons fill equal energy orbitals singly before pairing-up in any one orbital (explains Hund's rule).
What is: Two electrons in same orbital repel slightly, so lower energy to fill singly.
This is how you would use dimensional analysis to find the number of grams in 3.42 moles of iron. (go to board and show us!)
What is 3.42 mol Fe x 55.85 g /1 mol Fe = 191 g