This assessment is given before the students have learned the content.
What is a pre-assessment?
These are the three stages of Backwards Design.
What are identifying desired results, determining acceptable evidence, and planning learning experiences and instruction?
This type of question lends itself to measure students' content knowledge.
What is a closed question?
What is the focus and review?
A lesson objective is a one sentence summary of the summative assessment in a lesson which is found in this step of the lesson plan template.
What is the independent practice?
This assessment is not graded and is used to form the teacher's perception of content mastery.
What is a formative assessment?
Anchor charts, visuals, quality questions, active engagement, and student to student discourse are all included in this stage of backwards design.
What is stage three, planning learning experiences and instruction?
This type of question lends itself to making connections across content areas strengthening higher order thinking skills.
What are open questions?
This step of the lesson plan can follow a pattern when being written, but it is actually a very important bridge that connects prior knowledge to what will be learned in the lesson.
What is the statement of objective?
This component of a lesson objective refers to what the students are using in assessment.
What is the condition?
This assessment is given to determine student mastery of the content.
What is a summative assessment?
Researching content to identify what the students should know, understand, and do according to a standard is part of this stage of backwards design?
What is stage 1, identifying desired results?
This is a tool that can be used when developing questions to ask during a lesson.
What is Bloom's Taxonomy question stems?
This step in a lesson plan reviews what has been learned by asking one or two higher order questions to connect it all together.
What is closure?
This component of a lesson objective describes the measure of accuracy that is appropriate for mastery.
What is the degree?
What is stage 2 and the independent practice?
Developing a method to assess what students know, understand, and can do with the content learned in the lesson is a part of this stage of backwards design.
What is stage 2, determine acceptable evidence?
What is the content and the activities?
The step where students work with a partner at their own pace to practice the content is called this.
What is guided practice?
The behavior in the lesson objective must match this (be specific).
What is what the students are doing with the content not the activity in the independent practice?
This is an example of a formative assessment that allows the entire class to answer individually at the same time and the teacher can assess at a glance who knows the answer and who doesn't know the answer.
What is writing on a white board?
This is the reason that we plan according to Backwards Design.
What is to ensure we plan assessments and activities that support the content?
This questioning strategy gives students time to think, encourages higher order thinking, and decreases interruptions by other classmates.
What is wait time?
This is the step in the lesson plan where students are learning the content through active and engaging teaching strategies.
What is teacher input?
If students are creating a skeleton with Q-tips to show the bones in a body, it is representative of this level of Blooms.
What is understanding?