Morton Grove
Human Body trivia
Illinois trivia
Soft Drinks

This is the zip code for Park View school and many residents of Morton Gove.

What is 60053


Your ears and this body part continue to grow your entire lifetime.

What is the nose.


This man created the most famous mouse and an amusement park.

Who is Walt Disney.


This soft drink company says, "Obey your thirst!"

What is sprite.


What body part to snakes use to smell.

What is the tongue.


This street in Morton Grove was named in honor of the 16th president of the United States.

What is Lincoln Ave.


50% of your hand strength comes from this finger.

What is the little finger or pinky.


This yellow sponge cake with a cream center, made by Hostess, was first made in Illinois.

What is a Twinkie.


This is the richest of all the soft drink companies.

What is Coca-Cola.


Instead of venom, what do Boa and Anaconda snakes use to kill their prey.

What is suffocation.


This park in Morton Grove has a sand volleyball court, a baseball field and is also a boy's name.

What is Austin Park.


Our small intestines in our body are about how long if you measured them.  Is it 3 feet, 13 feet, or 23 feet.

What is 23 feet.


This famous fast food restaurant opened its first location in Des Plaines, Illinois.

What is McDonald's.


This is the oldest soft drink, first made in 1885, by a doctor.

What is Dr. Pepper.


This is the only continent that doesn't have any snakes.

What is Antarctica.


How many public swimming pools does the Village of Morton Grove currently have.

What is 2.


If all of your blood vessels were laid out in one line.  How many times would they go around the earth. Is it 1, 3, or 10.

What is three times. 60,000 miles.


The name Illinois comes from the Algonquin native American tribe.  It's translation to english is a name that anyone who went to Park View would surely know.

What is Warrior.


This famous root beer was started by Allen & Wright.

What is A&W.


Which is these animals is responsible for the deaths of more humans each year.  Is it the bee, snake or squirrel.

What is a bee.


This was the first mayor of Morton Grove.  Was it Leonard McDonald, George Harrer, or Mortimer Pequod.

Who is George Harrer.


These are the four things you can taste with your tongue.

What is bitter, sour, salty and sweet.


Kevin McCallister, the hero of this holiday movie is famous for saying, "Keep the change, you filthy animal.  What is the name of this movie that was filmed in the suburbs of Chicago.

What is Home Alone.


This is about how long you would have to walk to burn off the calories from one 20 oz. bottle of soda.  Is it 1 mile, 3 miles, or 5 miles.

What is 5 miles.


The famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant, had this nickname that is also the name of a kind of snake.

What is Black Mamba.