Arts and Communication
Business, Management and Technology
Helping and Service Careers
Natural Resource Careers

My job is to write books or articles.

What is an author?


I work with computers and create online pages for businesses. 

What is a web page designer?


My office is an ambulance. I respond to emergency calls.

What is a paramedic or EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)?

My main job is to help students learn.
What is a teacher?
My job involves using a whistle and signals to make sure that athletes are following the rules.
What is a referee/umpire?

In my job I work with water color, acrilic paints, paint brushes, canvases, and easels.

What is a painter?


My job is similar to a principal.  I am in charge, but I work in a business not a school.

What is a manager, supervisor or CEO?


My job is diagnose health problems and help you get well when you are sick.  I may prescribe medication or admit you to a hospital.

What is a doctor or Nurse Practitioner?


My job is to serve food to customers in a restaurant.

What is a waiter/waitress or server?

My job is to train animals that entertain or work.
What is an animal trainer?

I had to go to culinary school to become this.  I make and create new recipes.

What is a chef?



These are 2 of your career choices after you graduate high school.

What is college, military, technical/trade school, or on-the-job training (get a job)?


I operate on people who have a major health problem. I work in an operating room.

What is a surgeon?


My job is to work with individuals and families to help them learn to solve problems when they are sad or upset.  I am a good listener.

What is a counselor or therapist?

My job is to help protect the wildlife at parks and give information to visitors.
What is a park ranger?

My job is to let people know what is going on in the world.  I use a microphone and you may see me on television.

What is a news reporter/anchor or a journalist?


My job involves helping people buy and sell houses or other properties.

What is a realtor or real estate agent?


How does a person determine a job/career that would make them happy?  There are the 2 questions I can ask myself. (worth 200 pts. each question)

What is:

What am I good at?

What do I like to do?

OR Think about what I'm good at and like to do. (interests and skills)


My job is to help solve crimes by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and processing the information.

What is an investigator or a detective?


BONUS!! + 100

My job is to study and discover plant and animal fossils.  I search for dinosaur bones or other similar artifacts.

What is a paleontologist?


I arrange flowers to decorate and celebrate.  You may see them at weddings, funerals or other special occasions.

What is a Florist or a Floral Designer?


I have to come up with catchy slogans or commercials to help sell a product.

Hint: _________ agent

What is an advertising or marketing agent?


I work with animals.  I help them get well when they are sick.  I use a lot of science in my career.

What is a veterinarian?


My job is to help clients plan trips for business or for a vacation.

Hint:  _________ Agent

What is a travel agent?


BONUS!!  + 100 

My job involves studying and collecting historical artifacts and documents (pottery, tools, etc...) that tell us about civilizations that existed long ago.

What is an archeologist?