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I am an assistant to the doctor. I check in with patients take "vitals" and ask questions before you see the doctor.

What is a Nurse?


I keep the school clean and safe.

What is a Custodian?


I help people if something is on fire.

What is a Firefighter?


I cook the food at a restaurant. In order to have this job you may have attended Culinary School.

What is a Chef?


I make delicious foods like cookies, bread, donuts and cakes

What is a Baker?


I help people who are injured or sick. I also prescribe medicine to those who need it.

What is a Doctor?


When you have a problem with your computer, I come and take care of it.

What is a IT Teacher?


I help people who are in danger and work to keep the community safe.

What is a Police Officer?


I take your food order and bring the food out to the customers after it has been cooked.

What is a Waiter/Waitress/Server?


I love to write stories and have a great imagination.

What is an Author?


My vehicle is an ambulance. I am one of the first people to respond to an emergency and help sick or injured people.

What is a Paramedic/EMT?


I talk with students about their feelings and help them solve problems and make friends.

What is a School Counselor?


I take care of hurt animals.

What is a Veterinarian?


My job is to make people's hair look great. My tools are a brush and scissors.

What is a hair stylist, barber or hair dresser?


I use colors and patterns to create beautiful shirts, pants, shoes and purses.

What is an Fashion Designer?


I am a specific kind of doctor who operates on patients. I operate on all parts of the body when people need a special procedure done.

What is a Surgeon?


I am the leader of a school and help both the adults and the students.

What is a Principal?


I make sure that people get the news from TV, radio, magazines or the newspaper.

What is a Reporter?


The #1 tool for my job is a cash register. I work at all different kinds of stores and help customers purchase their chosen items.

What is a Cashier?


My job is to make or play music.

What is a Musician?


When a doctor prescribes you medicine I am the person that gets that medicine for you and explains how and when to take the medicine. I sometimes work at a store like Target, CVS or Walmart and fill prescriptions for people.

What is a Pharmacist?


 I work in a classroom and help students learn.

What is a Teacher?


I am a specific kind of police officer that works to solve mysteries and works on really big cases.

What is an Investigator/Detective?


You use my services when you have problems with your vehicles.

What is a Mechanic?


I design buildings, roads, bridges and houses. I have a specific job in the construction field but am not a construction worker. I create the plans for what a project is going to look like when it is finished.

What is an Architect?