Arts and Communication
Business, Management and Technology
Helping and Service Careers
Natural Resource Careers
My job is to review writing before others read it.
What is an editor?

I create and maintain websites, interface layout, functions, and navigation for usability.

What is a web developer or digital designer?

My office is an ambulance. I respond to emergency calls.
What is a paramedic?
My main job is to help students learn.
What is a teacher?

My job is to study the physical aspects of the Earth.

What is a Geoscientist?


I use flowers and help people with their wedding, funeral or other special occasion.

What is a florist or floral designer?


My job is to prepare taxes and examine financial records

What is an accountant?

My job is to give you the medicine you need when you are sick or to keep you healthy.
What is a pharmacist?

My job is to serve food to customers in a restaurant.

What is a server (waiter/waitress)?


My job is to study animals, those both in captivity and in the wild, and how they interact with their ecosystems.

What is a Zoologist and/or Wildlife Biologist?

I had to go to culinary school to become this.
What is a chef?

My job is to plan meetings, concerts, and other events.

What is an event planner?


I help patients improve movement of their body.

What is a physical therapist?


My job is to help clients plan trips for business or for a vacation.

What is a travel agent?


My job involves studying and collecting historical artifacts and documents.

What is an Archeologist?


My job is to let people know what is going on in the world.

What is a news reporter, journalist, or analyst?


My job involves helping people buy and sell houses or other properties.

What is a realtor?

My job is to test patients hearing and to treat patients with difficulty hearing.
What is an audiologist?

My job is to work with families to help solve conflicts, find jobs and solve other problems. I also work in schools and help students with problem-solving and helping their families get connected to resources.

What is a social worker?

My job is to study and discover plant and animal fossils.
What is a paleontologist?

My job is to design and shape three-dimensional works of art, either by molding and joining materials such as clay, glass, plastic, and metal or by cutting and carving forms from a block of plaster, wood, or stone.

What is a sculptor?


I have to recruit, screen, and interview job applicants and place newly hired workers in jobs. I may also handle compensation (salary), benefits, training, and employee relations.

What is a Human Resource Specialist


I diagnose, manage, and treat conditions and diseases of the human eye and visual system, including examining eyes and prescribing corrective lenses.

What is an optometrist?


My job is to gather facts and collect evidence related to criminal cases. I interview, examine records, monitor suspects, and participate in raids and arrests. I can wear uniforms or plainclothes.

What is a criminal investigator?


My job is to investigate patterns and causes of disease and injury.

What is an Epidemiologist?