Arts and Communication (Purple Path)
Business, Management and Technology (Blue Path)
Health (Red Path)
Helping and Service Careers (Yellow Path)
Natural Resource Careers (Green Path)

My job is to play characters in plays, tv shows or movies.

What is an actor?


I work in an office and support the boss. I prepare reports and handle paperwork, phone calls and appointments. 

What is a secretary?

My office is an ambulance. I respond to emergency calls.
What is a paramedic?
My main job is to help students learn.
What is a teacher?

My job involves using a whistle and signals to make sure that athletes are following the rules of the game.

What is a referee/umpire?

In my job I work with metal, clay, sand and other materials.
What is a sculptor?
My job is similar to a principal I am in charge. But I work in a business not a school.
What is a manager?
My job is to give you the medicine you need when you are sick or to keep you healthy.
What is a pharmacist?
My job is to serve food to customers in a restaurant.
What is a waiter/waitress?
My job is to train animals that entertain or work.
What is an animal trainer?

I had to go to culinary (cooking) school to become this.

What is a chef?


My job is to prepare individual or business's taxes.

What is an accountant?


My job is to help keep people's mouth, teeth and gums healthy.

What is a dentist?


My job is to work with families to help solve conflicts, find jobs and solve other problems.

What is a social worker or counselor?

My job is to help protect the wildlife at parks and give information to visitors.
What is a park ranger?
My job is to let people know what is going on in the world.
What is a news reporter?

My job involves helping people buy and sell houses or other properties.

What is a realtor or real estate agent?

My job is to test patients hearing and to treat patients with difficulty hearing.
What is an audiologist?

My job is to help solve crimes by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and processing the information.

What is an investigator or detective?

My job is to study and discover plant and animal fossils.
What is a paleontologist?
I use flowers and help people with their wedding, funeral or other special occasion.
What is a florist?

I have to come up with catchy slogans or commercials to help sell a product.

What is an advertising agent?


I plan food programs in schools and hospitals and help patients who need a special diet.

What is a nutritionist or dietician?

My job is to help clients plan trips for business or for a vacation.
What is a travel agent?
My job involves studying and collecting historical artifacts and documents.
What is an archeologist?