What voice level should we use in the library?
Whisper or Inside Voice/level 0-1
How many books can you check out total?
2 + Battle of the Books
How can I easily find holiday or Spanish books?
Look at the stickers on the spine. Look in Spanish section or on decorated holiday shelf (under wildcat).
What are the four main types/sections of books in our library?
Fiction, nonfiction, picture books, graphic novels
What do I need to use as I look for a book in the library?
A shelf marker
How long can you keep a book?
1 week then renew for 1 week
Where does the fiction section of the library start and end?
A is against side wall by Ms. Sears' office
Z is on back wall by cougar
What do I do if I don't know where a book goes?
Ask Ms. Sears or your teacher for help OR put it on the purple cart.
Things to avoid while reading a library book
Food, drink, babies, weather, pets
How many people can be at the computers at one time?
What are non-fiction books?
Books that provide facts and information.
In what section are the Dog Man books shelved?
In the graphic novel section
How should we enter the library?
Walking and quietly.
What should we always do before getting up to check out our books?
Push in the chair and collect our belongings.
What information will you need from the researcher to be able to find a book?
Key words (subject, author, title), call number, availability
What part of the book needs to be facing out on the shelf?
The spine
What is the first rule of the library?
Respect people and property
What 3 things should you do at the checkout desk?
ABC order, locate the barcode, place book on yellow paper, state your name, remain quiet.
What is the Dewey Decimal number for books about recreation/"sports and artistic stuff"?
In what section/area of the Library can I find a book to learn about animals?
In the nonfiction section