Measurement & Geometry
Addition & Subtraction
& Division
Symbols &
Number Concepts

Cubes, Prisms, Cones & Cylinders & Spheres are this...

While Squares, Rectangles, Triangles and circles are this...

What is 3-D (3-Dimensional)

What is 2-D (2-Dimensional)


When drawing a fraction or placing a fraction on a number line, you first need to _________ the whole

Ex: In order to draw 3/4 as circle or place 3/4 on a number line, I first need to ______ the circle or number line in 4ths.

What is partition


The answer to an addition problem...

What is the sum


The answer to a multiplication problem...

What is the product


>, < and = are used to compare numbers and fractions

What is greater than, less than or equal to

The flat surface of a solid (3-D) figure

Ex: A cube has 6 of these...

What is a face 


This part of a fraction, located on the bottom, tells how many equal parts the set or whole as been divided into...

What is the denominator


Any numbers being added together are called...

What are addends


A number that is multiplied by another number is called...

Ex: 3 x 6 = 18 (

3 and 6 are _____ of 18

What is a factor.


This symbol means "the same as", or as you move towards algebra it can also mean "is". 

Its position in an equation may move so long as the equation is balanced. 

What is = (equal sign)

Ex: 4+5=9  OR   9=4+5

Ex: 3x6=18 OR.  18=3x6


A polygon is a closed, 2-D figure with straight lines.

A polygon with with 4 sides is called a....

Ex: Square, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Rhombus

What is a quadrilateral


Two or more fractions that name or represent the same amount...

Ex: 1/2 and 3/6 and 4/8

What are equivalent fractions


The answer to a subtraction problem...

What is the difference


The answer to a division problem...

What is the quotient


~ Two of these symbols stacked together are a way to represent the words approximately, about or around -- which means your solution should be an __________

What is estimate


The difference between perimeter and area is...

Perimeter is the distance around a figure. 


Area is the space inside a figure (or number of square units needed to cover a surface)


The top number in a fraction, this number does NOT always represent the amount of parts being shaded in, but rather the total parts being identified in the whole...

What is the numerator


There are 2 types of subtraction problems represented by these problems below. What are the 2 types?

Johnny picked 8 apples this week and ate 3. How many apples did he have left?

Johnny picked 8 apples this week and 12 apples last week. How many more apples did Johnny pick this week than last week?

What is take away & comparison


The amount leftover when a number cannot be divided equally...

And if you don't read the question to a division word problem carefully, your solution may just change because of this. 

What is the remainder.


Writing a number as the sum of the values in each digit...

Also called breaking apart or decomposing...

What is Expanded Form

Ex: 4,816 --> 4,000 + 800 + 10 + 6


The amount of space occupied by an object and measured in cubic units...

What is volume


A number made up of a whole number and a fraction...

What is a mixed number


If you know 4+5=9, you also know 5+4=9 , 9-5=4 and 9-4=5 because 4, 5 and 9 are part of a...

Hint: These use the same 3 numbers to form 4 related equations...

What is a fact family

*This also applies to multiplication and division*


The understanding that changing the order of the factors will not change the product. 

What is the commutative property of multiplication

*There is also the commutative property of addition*


An individual number (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9) used to construct or make larger numbers, each having its own value within a larger number.

What are digits