Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

10, 12, 14, 16, 18, ___

What is the next number in the sequence



Which of the following shapes has been divided into equal parts? 








Which number is missing from this sequence?

A) 600

B) 625

C) 650

D) 660 

C) 650


What is the correct spelling for more than one wolf?

A) Wolfs

B) Wolvs

C) Wolves

D) Wolfes


C) Wolves


Which is the correct definition of "plagiarism"?

A) The act of taking the work or the ideas of others and presenting them as if they were yours.

B) The way in which a plague is spreading among people.

C) The act of using the school's equipment without permission from the principal.

D)The act of writing an academic assignment and submitting it on time.

A) The act of taking the work or the ideas of others and presenting them as if they were yours.


Read the following sentence:

George is the tallest boy in his class. 

What is the meaning of the word “tallest”?

A) The least tall

B)The most tall

C) Not tall

D) At the same height as the others 

B) The most tall


Which of the following represents the multiplication  2 x 4?









Multiplication is just another form of repeated addition. The multiplication 2 x 4 simply means either adding two to itself four times (2 + 2 + 2 + 2) or adding four to itself twice (4 + 4).Answer (D) is correct because it has two bunches of bananas, each containing four bananas. Add them together and you have 4 + 4. Answer (A) is incorrect because it represents the addition of four and two, not their multiplication. Answer (B) is incorrect because it represents 3 x 2. Answer (C) is incorrect because this is simply either 2 x 2 or 2 + 2.


What is the perimeter of this rectangle?

A) 10 inches

B) 21 inches

C) 20 inches

D) 17 inches

E) 13 inches 

C) 20 inches


What is 694 ÷ 30?

23 remainder 4


Read the passage.

Elsa was looking out the window. It was a very cold, dark, and stormy night. The windowsill was freezing as she tried to lean on it to see outside the window. She gave up trying and decided to go and play with her little sister. It had been a long time since they had last played. She thought it might make her feel a bit better.

What is the author’s mood?

A) Positive

B) Negative

C) Neutral

D) Impossible to tell 

B) Negative


Look at the following text:

Students in the first grade:






What type of text is this?

A) Story

B) Letter

C) Poem

D) List 

D) List


Read the index.

Burnett, Frances – pages 1–65
Cooper, Susan Mary – pages 125–162
Dahl, Roald – pages 99–124
Grahame, Kenneth – pages 163–195
Nesbit, Edith – pages 66–98

Based on the index, in which of the following pages would you find a Roald Dahl story?

A) page 171

B) page 102

C) page 97

D) page 125


C) 97


Mary needs 300 grams of dough to bake one cake. To make 100 grams of dough, Mary needs two eggs. How many eggs does Mary need if she wants to bake three cakes? 

A) 18

B) 12

C) 10

D) 6 

A) 18


A supermarket packed 60 eggs into four egg boxes, split equally. How many eggs were in three boxes?

15 eggs


Which one of the following sentences is not an interrogative sentence?

A) Can your brother let me use his guitar for a minute?

B) We are going to the party in town later?

C) Are the kids prepared for the upcoming exam?

D) The president is about to give a speech to the nation in an hour, isn't he?

B) We are going to the party in town later?


A teacher asked the students in her class what their favorite food was. 

Their answers are shown in the following bar graph: 

What is the food that was chosen by the fewest students?



Choose the contraction in which the apostrophe is in the right place. 

A) ther'es

B) couldn't

C) doesn't

D) lets' 

C) doesn't


Select a picture that shows of a region or a set.





In which sentence are the words capitalized correctly?

A) I was born in the south but grew up in New York.

B) If you want to reach the beach, you must keep heading West.

C) Turn Right at the end of the street and then Left.

D) The new settlers decided to explore the East.

D) The new settlers decided to explore the East.


Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated:

A) My parents went to the city market yesterday and bought some fruit, bananas, apples, watermelons, peaches, and oranges.

B) I have visited five big capital cities in my life: London, Moscow, Copenhagen, Ankara, and New Delhi.

C) My friend Bill has a lot of books from various genres, including: drama, comedy, action, and adventure.

D) Next summer, my family plans to travel to: Arizona and Nevada.

B) I have visited five big capital cities in my life: London, Moscow, Copenhagen, Ankara, and New Delhi.

The colon is used to introduce a list of at least three items. However, you need to make sure you place the colon only after a complete sentence. If there is a list of items right after an incomplete sentence, join the items to the sentence without adding a colon. Look at the following examples:


What is the plural form of the word mouse? 

A) Mouses

B) Mousess

C) Mice

D) Mouse 

C) Mice


Read the sentence.

The friendly neighbors live two floors above our apartment.

Which set of words all mean the opposite of the preposition above?

A) under, beneath, during

B) below, across, underneath

C) beneath, under, below

D) over, below, beneath



Read the sentences about four animals.

1. Polar bears have white fur coats that can blend into the blindingly white snow of the Arctic.

2. In order to hide in the middle of nature's birdhouses, bark bugs appear to be part of the tree itself.

3. Chameleons only change color when in imminent danger.

What do all these animals have in common?

A) They all live in the Arctic.

B) They are all predators.

C) They are all able to mask themselves.

D) They all share similar fur colors. 

C) They are all able to mask themselves.


What is the number 27 in exponential form?

A) 2^7

B) 3^3

C) 3^9

D) 9^3 

B) 3^3


Daniel and Isla are each writing a novel. Daniel has written 40 pages in the last five days and Isla has written 120 pages in the last 24 days. What is the difference between their unit rates per day?

 3 pages per day