Growth Mindset
Feelings & Coping Skills
Sensory Strategies
Kindness & Self-Esteem
Random questions

Is this a growth mindset or a fixed mindset statement?

I will NEVER get this right!

Fixed Mindset


Name 5 feelings.

Sad, Happy, Mad, Tired, Worried, Proud, Anxious, Excited, Bored, Frustrated, Confused, Surprised, etc.


True or False?

If I'm feeling upset or uncomfortable I can pay attention to my 5 senses to ground myself/ or help myself feel better.

True- Using your senses is a good way to calm your brain when bumped of of my zone.


Describe a time that you were kind.



Which mindset (fixed or Growth)makes you smarter by helping you create new neural pathways?

Growth Mindset

Is this a growth mindset or a fixed mindset statement?

I can do this!

Growth Mindset


When can you use coping skills?

Any time


What are your 5 senses?

Sight/ seeing , Smell, Hearing, Touch, Taste


Diana saw a picture of a celebrity on Instagram and immediately felt bad about her own looks. Diana has ___ self-esteem.

Low Self-Esteem


What Zone am I in if I'm feeling very angry and I want to run away or fight?

Red zone of High zone


Is this a growth mindset or a fixed mindset statement?

I got a bad grade on my spelling test. I'll never be good at spelling.

Fixed Mindset


Name 2 coping skills you can use at school.

Deep breaths, drink water, talk to someone, eat a snack, play outside, ask for a break.


Can you give an example of using your seeing senses to feel better?

What is something you see?

Do you see your favorite color anywhere?

Do you see any shapes/ colors/ things?

What is something that makes you happy to look at?

Play I Spy game



Gabriel brought in his collection of butterflies for show-in-tell and the other kids began to tease him. Gabriel brushed off their comments and continued sharing his interests with a huge smile on his face. Gabriel has ____ self-esteem.

High Self-Esteem


If I'm feeling really tired or sleepy at school what zone am I in and what can I do to feel better?

Ask to go for a walk, ask for a drink of water, stretch, take some deep breath, stand up, think of my favorite sport, think of my favorite song, bounce my leg, run in place or move my body, ask to go to Safe Place for a short rest...
Change this statement into a growth mindset statement.

Basketball is just too hard.

I can get better at basketball if I keep practicing.


Name 3 coping skills you can use at home.

Deep breaths, drink water, talk to someone, eat a snack, play outside, ask for a break, take a nap, cry, play with playdoh, take a shower, listen to music, etc.


Can you give an example of something that you like to touch?  Also give 3 example of things you like to taste.


To earn these points, each member of your team has to give themselves a compliment.

I loved that!


If I'm feeling really frustrated at school with my work what can I do?

I can take a short break from the work and go back to it when I feel better, I can tell myself that learning hard things makes me smarter, I can take a safe place, I can use my senses to calm me down, I can think of something that makes me happy to calm down, I can squeeze a fidget, I can take deep breaths, I can ask for help.....


Change this statement into a growth mindset statement.

I keep making mistakes. I hate myself.

I keep making mistakes but I can learn from them, I just keep getting better!


What is a bad coping skill?

Something that you do to try and make yourself feel better but it doesn't work and it causes harm to yourself or others.

ex. hitting yourself, throwing things, saying mean words, picking on others


Can you name something you can See, Hear, Touch, Smell, something you like to taste? 

If you were able to name things that your can sense right now you just did a way of grounding yourself! 

Great Job!


Choose 2 people from your team to come up and act out a way to show kindness.

That was amazing!


Two questions:  What are Coping Skills? 

What is your favorite positive coping skill?

They are strategies that you can do to help you feel better when you are feeling upset or bumped out of your Green/ OK Zone. 
