A mark with length and direction, created by a point that moves across a surface.
What is line?
What are the two different types of balance?
Symmetrical and asymmetrical
What is implied texture?
When something looks like how it would feel, but you can't actually feel it.
What type of balance is NOT a mirror or reflection?
What is asymmetrical balance?
What two shades are added to change the value of a color?
White and black.
What is actual texture?
When you can feel a texture.
A large difference between two things.
What is contrast?
The relation of one object to another in size, amount, number, or degree.
What is proportion?
Fill in the blanks. In an image, when something looks like it’s close to you it is in the ______________________, and when something looks far away from you it is in the ________________________.
Foreground and background.
What is pattern?
The repetition of a design.
The use of different lines, shapes, textures, colors and other elements of design to create interest in a work of art.
What is variety?
Is form always 3-dimensional?
No, it can be 3-dimensional OR something 2-dimensional that looks 3-dimensional.
What is the formula for creating form?
Shape + value = form
What does rhythm create in a piece of artwork?
A sense of movement.
Area in a work of art that catches and holds the viewer's attention.
What is emphasis?
What are the three things color is broken down into?
Value, intensity, and hue.
What kind of balance is a mirror or reflection?
What is symmetrical balance?
What are the 7 principles of design?
Balance, contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, Unity.