Elements of Design 1
Elements of Design 2
Principles of Design 1
Principles of Design 2

What are the two types of light? 

Artificial and natural


Name 4 examples of lines in a floral design.

vertical, horizontal, curved, diagonal


Name 2 principles of floral design

Harmony, Unity, Balance , Scale & Proportion, Dominance- Focal Area & Accent, Rhythm, Contrast


What is the definition of scale?

The comparative size of the individual parts to each other, to the whole, and the space; includes all parts of the arrangement


What color scheme is present in this arrangement?



Define space in a floral design.

The use of voids and solids in a floral design, The open area in and around the design or the spacing within the design of the plant materials 


Define the purpose of line in a floral design. 

Establishes the structural framework (balance), primary foundation which creates visual form 


Give the definition of harmony.

The effect of how well you match and blend materials together, The combination of materials, colors, and textures that create a composition that is pleasing to the eye


What are the correct floral design proportions in terms of the actual flower design to the container?

1/3 container 

2/3 flower arrangement


What two types of line are represented in the design?

vertical and diagonal


Define a complimentary color harmony/scheme.

Two colors across from each other on the color wheel.


Define texture in floral design.

Refers to the surface quality of the materials which appeal to sight touch or the mind


What is dominance in an arrangement? 

Includes focal point and accents, areas of the most importance and least importance in a design


If we say an arrangement has unity, specifically what does that mean?

The principles of design, flower materials, containers, accessories, etc. have a oneness in purpose. 


What is the name of the form in the arrangement?

hogarth curve/open form


Name two ways patterns is created in floral designs.

use of colors, repetition of plant material, solids and spaces


Name the primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

red, blue, yellow

purple, green, orange

red-purple, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-purple


What is one of the two ways/skills used to achieve rhythm in a floral design?

graduation or contrast


What are the two types of balance. Explain them. 

Actual Balance: Gained by proper placement of many stems forming the intended design or pattern

Visual balance: Gained by the selection of correct sizes of materials, and uses of color, textures and accessories; Where the plant material is equal on both sides of an imaginary line 


What is the name of the term related to space that the braided leaf represents?

A void


Name the colors of the color wheel in order, starting at red and going clockwise

red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-purple, purple, red-purple


What are the 3 types of space in floral arrangements and their definitions. (hint: P, N, V)

Positive= flowers/greenery taking up space, Negative= spacious area between flower material, Void= connects one area of positive space to another 


Name all of the principles of design.

Balance, Unity, Rhythm, Dominance, Proportion and Scale, Harmony, Contrast


What is one specific way to add contrast in an arrangement that isn't color?

Using large and small materials, using points of interest (folded leaves, bent flower materials), using many textures, using depth of flower placement


What is the name of this type of pattern?

Geometric pattern