Line going side to side
Red, Yellow, Blue
What are the primary colors?
Regular shapes (circle, square, triangle, etc.)
What are geometric shapes?
Value can be used to create this
What is the illusion of form?
Words to describe texture
What is bumpy, smooth, rough, slippery, etc?
Line going up and down
What is a vertical line?
Green, orange, purple
What are the secondary colors?
Irregular shapes
What are freeform or organic shapes?
Using white creates a _______
What is a tint?
Things good for creating texture
What is repeated line and pattern?
What is a pattern?
Green, Blue, Purple
What are cool colors?
2D shape with straight sides
What is a polygon?
Using black creates a ________
What is a shade?
Texture you can feel
What is real texture?
An outline
What is a contour line?
Red, orange, yellow
Shape with 3 sides
What is a triangle?
Value can be used to create this
What is the illusion of form?
Texture that you can see, but cannot feel (drawn on)
What is implied texture?
The definition of line
What is a moving point?
Colors opposite of each other on the color wheel
What are complimentary colors?
Shape with 6 sides
What is a hexagon?
The definition of value
What is the lightness or darkness of a color?
The definition of texture
What is what something feels like?