Name the three primary colors.
Blue, red, yellow
A row of dots is called what?
A dotted line
What space in an image is closest to the viewer?
What does it mean when a form has Dimensions of length, width, AND depth? It is ___.
Value Scale
Name the three secondary colors.
Green, orange, violet (purple)
A continuous line that slants back and forth like a lightning bolt is what type of line?
A zigzag
What space in an image is between the foreground and background?
Middle Ground
Shapes of things in nature are what type of shape?
Organic shape
How do you make a color lighter?
Name the three warm colors.
Ren, orange, yellow
What type of line goes around and around in a circular pattern?
A spiral
What is the type of space surrounding the subject in an image called? Hint: Not the background.
Negative space
Shapes of man-made things are what type of shape?
Geometric shape
What is the light version of red called?
What do you call these color groups?
Blue & Orange
Red & Green
Yellow & Violet
Complimentary colors
What type of line is rounded or bends?
Curved line
What do you call the technique that happens when one thing partially covers something else? It helps you know what is in front of the other.
What dimension separates the difference between a shape and a form?
How do you make a color darker?
Add black
What do you call this color group?
Red-orange, Red, Red-violet
Analogous colors
What type of line is invisible in the middle, but you can see where it starts and ends?
Implied line
What do you call the effect when looking further back in an image things get smaller, less detailed, and pick up the color of the sky?
Atmospheric perspective
What are the 3D versions of the shapes circle and square?
Sphere and Cube
What is the name of the set of values called that goes from white to black with different values of ONE COLOR? (Ex. white, light blue, blue, dark blue, black)