
Internal or External? If external, list the sub type.

A man is struggling to decide if he should apply for a new job in a new city.



Name the type and method of characterization. 

Tom was an extremely shy boy who rarely spoke to anyone outside his immediate family.

Direct -- Direct Statement


What is the POV?

I walked through the old, creaky house, my heart pounding with every step. The shadows seemed to dance on the walls, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone—or something—was watching me.

First Person POV


Name the irony used below. 

“Oh, great! Another rainy day,” said Sarah as she looked out the window at the pouring rain.

Verbal Irony


This genre includes all factual writings.


Internal or External? If external, list the sub type.

A historically powerful earthquake destroys a town's infrastructure and neighborhoods. 

External -- Person vs. Nature


Name the type and method of characterization.

Sarah meticulously cleans and organizes her room every week.

Direct -- Direct Statement


What is the POV? 

Emily glanced nervously at the clock. She had been waiting for what felt like hours, her mind racing with thoughts of what might happen next. She hoped he would show up soon.

Third Person Limited POV


Name the irony used below. 

A fire station burns down while the firefighters are out on a call.

Situational Irony

These two character types generally go against each other in the conflict.

Protagonist and Antagonist


Internal or External? If external, list the sub type.

A writer's computer restarts unexpectedly, and their files are lost. 

External -- Person vs. Technology


Name the type and method of characterization.

Linda was a natural leader and became a department manager very quickly.

Direct -- Labeling


What is the POV? 

As you enter the room, you feel the tension in the air. Every creak of the floorboards seems to echo your nervousness, and you glance around, searching for a clue that might explain the eerie silence.

Second Person POV


Name the irony used below. 

In a movie, the audience knows that the character’s best friend is actually the villain, but the character remains unaware and confides in the friend about their plans.

Dramatic Irony


This type of character is known for their moral or emotional growth throughout the story, often facing and overcoming significant challenges.

Dynamic Character


Internal or External? If external, list the sub type.

A group of students are petitioning for vending machines to be installed at school.

External -- Person vs. Person


Name the type and method of characterization.

When the teacher asked Emily to stay after class, she fiddled nervously with her pencil and avoided eye contact.

Indirect -- Actions


What is the POV? 

Emily was anxious about the meeting, though she tried to hide it. Little did she know, her boss was equally nervous, fearing that the presentation would not go well. Unbeknownst to them, their mutual apprehension was about to be eased by a surprising turn of events.

Third Person Omniscient POV


A man spends years studying to become a top scientist, only to find out that he has been working on a project that was ultimately irrelevant because of a recent breakthrough by another team.Name the irony used below. 

Cosmic Irony


This genre features highly emotional and rhythmic words grouped in lines and stanzas.



Internal or External? If external, list the sub type.

A recent graduate of a college prep high school wants to pursue a career in music but feels like college is the only legitimate option.

External -- Person vs. Society

Name the type and method of characterization.

Carlos’s hands were always dirty, and he often had grease stains on his clothes.

Indirect -- Looks


What is the POV?

Emily sat in the waiting room, her eyes fixed on the clock. Her fingers tapped rhythmically on the armrest. She did not speak or move from her seat as time passed slowly.

Third Person Objective POV


Name the two types of irony used below. 

Linda, who lives in the south, planned a trip north during the summer to escape the heat. The day before her trip, the weatherman calls for a historically unprecedented heatwave in the north. Frustrated, she says, “I have no idea how to handle a heatwave!”

Verbal and Situational or Verbal and Cosmic


This term is used to describe the lesson, moral or central message of a text.
