Basic Elements
Indirect/Direct Characterization
Stylistic Devices
Plot Line
One of the people or animals in a story.
What is a character?

A problem between characters.

Man vs Man

While direct characterization _______________ the reader, indirect characterization _____________ the reader. 

tells, shows

The message about life or human nature that is "hidden" in the story that the writer tells.
What is Theme?
Following a plan the action that makes up a story.
What is Plot Line?
The person or force that works against the hero/main character in the story.
What is the Antagonist?

A problem within a character's own mind..

Man vs Self


This is an example of: 

- Jim was very unlike any other businessman. He made sure that all his clients got what they had paid for.

indirect characterization

The feeling a piece of literature creates in a reader.
What is Mood?
This introduces characters and settings while supplying background and setting the tone.
What is Exposition?
The main character in a story, often a good or heroic type.
What is the Protagonist?

A problem between a character and society, school, the Law, or some tradition.

Man vs Society


This is an example of....

John cared a lot for the well-being of others. There was an old couple living alone near his house. John used to buy weekly groceries for them and even check on them everyday, just to see how they are doing.

Direct characterization


What is verbal irony? WITH an example

  • When a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning.

This introduces complications (problems) which build suspense and is when the plot "thickens."
What is Rising Action?
The place and time frame in which a story takes place.
What is the Setting?

A problem between a character and some element of nature - a blizzard, a hurricane, a mountain climb, etc.

Man vs Nature

STEAL shows indirect characterization and stands for..............

Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others, Actions, Looks


What is dramatic irony? WITH an example

Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something the characters do not.

This is the turning point of the story and the moment when the suspense reaches its peak which results in a change for the main character. This sometimes occurs at the end of the story, without being followed by the falling action.
What is the Climax?
The action that makes up the story, following a plan called the plot line.
What is the Plot?

A problem or struggle that appears to be well beyond a character's control.

Man vs Fate/Supernatural

This is an example of.......

- An old couple living near John's house considered him just like their own son. John did all that for them what even a son these days won't do. He would shop for them, get them things and say hello everyday.

indirect characterization


What is situational irony WITH an example?

  • Situational irony occurs when the final outcome is contradictory to what was expected

This occurs after the climax of the story, resolves conflict and ties up loose ends of the story.
What is the Falling Action/Resolution?