Main Idea

How many points are on a plot diagram?



What is the definition of foreshadowing?

The use of hints or clues about what is to come in the story. 


How many types of conflict are there?



What is the theme of a story?

The message


What is the main idea of a story?

The main parts of the story - what the story is about


What is the correct sequence of a plot diagram?

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. 


What does foreshadowing create?



What are the five types of conflict?

Person vs. Person

Person vs. Self

Person vs. Society

Person vs. Nature

Person vs. Technology


In "The Tortoise and the Hare," what theme is present?

Slow and steady wins the race

Never judge a book by its cover


In "The Tortoise and the Hare," what is the main idea?

In “Tortoise and the Hare,” a hare comes up with a plan to challenge a tortoise to a race, because the hare assumes it would be an easy win. During the race, the hare becomes overly confident and decides to take a nap; in doing this, the hare catches up and ends up winning the race.


What is the turning point of plot?

The climax


Why do author's use foreshadowing?

To make readers want to keep reading


Out of the different types of conflict, which one is an internal conflict?

Person vs. Self


What is the theme of this situation?

On the morning of the big Disney trip, mom and dad came into the kids’ room. Mom explained to them that grandma had fallen and was in the hospital. She needed help, and they were the only family she had. Instead of heading to Disney, they would need to fly to South Dakota that afternoon to visit her. The kids were so upset, but their feelings changed when they saw how happy grandma was to see them.

Family should always be first. 


What is the main idea of this situation?

On the morning of the big Disney trip, mom and dad came into the kids’ room. Mom explained to them that grandma had fallen and was in the hospital. She needed help, and they were the only family she had. Instead of heading to Disney, they would need to fly to South Dakota that afternoon to visit her. The kids were so upset, but their feelings changed when they saw how happy grandma was to see them.

The family was supposed to go on a trip to Disney, but plans changed when their grandma fell and needed their help. The kids were very upset, but ended up being happy to help their family. 


Where does the reader's interest start to be held?

The rising action


What prediction can you make in this situation? 

With the weather being so warm, many people believed their flowers may bloom early. Later that evening, the weatherman mentioned that the warm weather was ending. 

The flowers will not bloom early. 


What type of conflict is this scenario?

After a long day of work, I was so excited to see that my favorite cooking show was on. I loved watching this show and trying out the recipes. But, my mom came over and brought her favorite movie for us to watch together. I really want to watch my show, but I hate to tell my mom no. 

Person vs. Self (internal)


What is the theme of this situation?

Today was field day, and the class was abuzz as they got ready to walk out to the field. Gathering in line, Dante started arguing with the teacher. “But I want to bring my soda outside with me. I don’t care what you say. It’s going outside whether you like Bit or not!”

Ms. Smith’s face burned fiery red, and she told the rest of the class to sit back down. As they headed back to their seats, Dante threw the can of soda at the window, but just before it shattered the glass, Amelia intercepted it.

Good conquers bad.


What is the theme of this situation?

Today was field day, and the class was abuzz as they got ready to walk out to the field. Gathering in line, Dante started arguing with the teacher. “But I want to bring my soda outside with me. I don’t care what you say. It’s going outside whether you like Bit or not!”

Ms. Smith’s face burned fiery red, and she told the rest of the class to sit back down. As they headed back to their seats, Dante threw the can of soda at the window, but just before it shattered the glass, Amelia intercepted it.

A class was getting ready to go outside when a student argued with the teacher about bringing a soda with him. The student threw his soda at the window, but before it could break the glass, another student caught it to save the class from an accident. 


What are things we learn in the exposition? 

The setting, character info, background info, etc. 


What prediction can you make in this situation?

Billy's mom always kept track of his basketball practices on their family calendar; however, Billy hasn't told his mom that he quit. He's trying to find a way to tell her, so he reaches for the calendar's eraser. 

He will erase the message about practice.


What type of conflict is this scenario? 

My first night of camping will never be forgotten. I went outside to roast marshmallows and ended up losing all of our food to a hungry bear that came by! 

Person vs. Nature (external)


What is the theme of this situation?

All the players were too busy focusing on making the winning shot to realize they were down two points. Coach called one last time out. “Boys, get your heads in the game! If you are all focused on yourself, you are never going to win this game! Work together, or we are ALL going to go home empty- handed.”

For the rest of the game, the boys stopped focusing on themselves and focused instead on working together to keep the ball in their possession and ended up winning the championship. 

Teamwork makes the dreamwork.


What is the main idea of this situation?

All the players were too busy focusing on making the winning shot to realize they were down two points. Coach called one last time out. “Boys, get your heads in the game! If you are all focused on yourself, you are never going to win this game! Work together, or we are ALL going to go home empty- handed.”

For the rest of the game, the boys stopped focusing on themselves and focused instead on working together to keep the ball in their possession and ended up winning the championship. 

The basketball players were focusing on themselves rather than working as a team. Because of that, they were losing the game. They stepped up, played together, and ended up winning.