The faster the vibrations the ____________ the pitch.
What is higher.
A collection of notes that can be long or short strung together to make a "flow through time."
What is rhythm.
Instrument family that uses strings to make a sound.
What is the string family.
A clarinet is in this instrument family.
What is the woodwind family.
This is a grouping of beats (2s, 3s, 4s, etc.).
What is meter.
This is a technique of playing a string instrument where the musician plucks the string.
What is pizzicato.
A dynamic in music that means the note or passage will be played softly.
What is piano.
This is a tempo term at the beginning of a piece indicating the speed should be very fast.
What is Presto.
This is how a sound can be produced on a brass instrument.
What is buzzing.
The quality that distinguishes one sound from another. Often referred to in terms of bright and dark.
What is tone color/timbre.
This dynamic symbol can stretch across several notes that looks like a greater than sign (<).
What is a crescendo.
This device has 5 lines and 4 spaces that is used to notate music.
What is a staff.
These 3 actions place an instrument with the percussion family.
What is strike, shake, or scrape.