A comparison without using like or as
What is a metaphor?
In poetry, a stanza is similar to _________ which is always found in regular written text such as essays, articles, and books.
What is a paragraph?
True or False: Music is poetry.
An extreme exaggeration
What is hyperbole?
what is a couplet?
two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
What type of figurative language is in the line "The wind whispered through the trees"?
What is personification?
The use of words to create a connection to any of the five senses
What is sensory language?
The structure of a poem is
The way the words, lines, and groups of lines are arranged
The author's attitude towards the topic or subject of the text.
What is tone?
What is the figure of speech where the phrase does not mean exactly what the words say?
What is an idiom?
In poetry, what do poets call what looks like sentences that are different lengths?
What are lines?
Writing that makes meaning through sound, image, style, and rhythm.
What is poetry?
Language that contains figures of speech and departs from the literal meaning
What is figurative language?
What is a quatrain?
The feeling, attitude, or distinct atmosphere of the text.
What is mood?