Do you even remember these stories?
That's Ironic
POV you're playing jeopardy in class
The Leftovers

What type of conflict involves a struggle between a character and an outside force, like nature or another character?

What is external conflict?


Who is the author of "The Cask of Amontillado"?

Who is Edgar Allan Poe?


What type of irony occurs when the audience knows something the characters do not?

What is dramatic irony?


Which point of view uses "I" or "we" in the narration?

What is first-person point of view?


What is the main character of a story called?

What is the protagonist?


What type of conflict is a character facing when they are struggling with their own beliefs, emotions, or decisions?

What is internal conflict?


Which short story features two enemies trapped together under a tree?

What is "The Interlopers"?


What type of irony occurs when the opposite of what you expect happens?

What is situational irony?


What point of view is used when the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters?

What is third-person omniscient?


What element of a story refers to its time and place?

What is the setting?


In the beginning of "The Interlopers," the characters Ulrich and Georg are primarily involved in what type of conflict? 

What is Man vs. Man?

In "The Scarlet Ibis," how does the symbolism of the ibis foreshadow Doodle's fate?

What is the scarlet ibis symbolizes Doodle's fragility and uniqueness, foreshadowing his tragic death as both the bird and Doodle are out of place and meet untimely deaths?


When a character says one thing but means another, this is an example of what type of irony?

What is verbal irony?


In "The Necklace," what point of view is used when the narrator focuses on Madame Loisel's thoughts and feelings?

What is third-person limited?


What do we call the person or force that opposes the protagonist?

What is the antagonist?


A character facing a natural disaster would be an example of what type of conflict?

What is Man vs. Nature?


In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," what is the connection between Mitty's daydreams and his real-life actions?

What is Mitty’s daydreams reflect his desire for control, competence, and bravery, contrasting with his mundane and submissive real-life behavior?


In "The Necklace," how is it ironic that Madame Loisel spends years paying for a replacement necklace?

What is situational irony, because the original necklace was fake?


What is the difference between point of view and perspective?

What is point of view refers to who is telling the story, while perspective refers to how the narrator or character views events?


What is the biggest theme of "The Scarlet Ibis"?

What is pride?


In "The Scarlet Ibis," Doodle’s struggle to meet his brother’s expectations represents what type of conflict?

What is Man vs. Self?


In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor vows revenge against Fortunato. What family motto does Montresor reference that reveals his justification for this act?

What is "Nemo me impune lacessit" (No one attacks me with impunity)?


In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor’s toast to Fortunato’s long life is an example of what type of irony?

What is verbal irony?


In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," what point of view is used to highlight the contrast between Mitty's daydreams and reality?

What is third-person limited?


What is the most intense moment of the story, where the main conflict reaches its peak?

What is the climax?