Elephants are Carnivores or Hervivores?
What is the largest mammal on earth?
What is the main predator of Elephants?
How much weight do baby Elephants get per week? (kilograms)
14 kilograms
Where are the Asian elephants from?
How many calories does an adult elephant need a day?
70,000 Calories
How far do the knees bend when walking? (degrees)
80 Degrees
What is the smallest Elephant type on earth?
The Asian Elephant
How much can an elephant baby weigh at birth? (kilograms)
150 Kilograms
What is the average height of the African elephant? (meters)
3 meters (exactly 3,3)
How many defecations do per day? (Maximum)
What is the average life of Elephants?
50 Years
What is the biggest Elephant type on earth?
The African Elephant
At what age are the females ready to mate?
14 Years
How many muscles does the trunk of an adult Elephant have?
40 Thousand
How many hours do the elephants spend feeding?
18 Hours
What is the average weight of Elephants? (Tons)
6 Tons
What is the ancestor of the elephants?
The Mastodons
How much milk can a baby Elephant drink a day? (liters)
10 Liters
How many Elephant species exist?
How many kilograms of food does an adult Elephant need a day? (kilograms)
170 Kilograms
What is the oldest age an Elephant can have?
90 Years
What was the first ancestor of the Elephant?
The Mamut
What is the longest duration of a pregnant Elephant?
22 Months
Scientific name of the Asian Elephant
Elephas maximus