121 years
What is how long Eliada has existed
What are the number of Eliada paid holidays?
3 programs
What is how many residential programs does Eliada run?
300 Acres
What is how many acres Eliada sits on?
What is our current turnover?
What are examples of Eliada's farm animals?
Eliada Students Training for Advancement
What is ESTA?
20 Active
What are the number of active buildings on campus
How many employees are currently active?
What are how many meals Eliada serves daily?
$11.5 million
What was Eliada's budget for FY 25?
3 buildings
What are how many historical buildings does Eliada have?
How many departments does Eliada have?
Eliada is the largest.
What is Eliada is the largest CD center in North Carolina?
What does our HR director look like after a recruiting session?
Eliada started as this.
What is an orphanage?
What is how many open positions we currently have? (know any good people?)
How many pounds of food were distributed in the HOP program YTD?
Mount Sippy
What was Mount Slippy's original name?