Childhood moments
Crisis Management
Straight Era
High School Smelly

This oft-overlooked string instrument was an subject of expertise for Eliana from childhood through high school

What is Viola?


This Baltimore-based environmental engineer was Eliana's most recent– and most amicable– breakup yet. They started off as pod-mates

Who is Dara?

Part of Eliana's crisis expertise comes from her academic training in psychology and social science, which was adjacent to this field, her college major

What is Science, Technology, and Society Studies?


Eliana's straight era was preceded by her childhood, but followed up by an exploration of this non-Lesbian identity 

What is asexuality?


This notoriously difficult class was, unexpectedly, among Eliana's favorites in high school

What is AP Chemistry?


This classic Nancy Meyers film was Eliana's favorite for years, opening all of our minds to the power of what might happen at summer camp

What is the Parent Trap?


Eliana's relationship with this "internet girlfriend" began in spring 2020, and lasted nearly a year. She is often seen these days at the Woods– and occasionally on Tik Tok 

Who is Natalie?


The recent breakup of this couple had Eliana on the phone night after night playing therapist – and facilitating some family conversations on vacation

Who are Andrew and Christiana?

Eliana had (or at least professed) a celebrity crush on this famous slugger as a child

Who is Derek Jeter?


This learning disability went undiagnosed for nearly the entirety of Eliana's high school career

What is Dyslexia?


This odorous diminutive is Eliana's rapper alter ego

Who is Lil Sniff?


This rockstar went to art school in Boston; she was Eliana's first girlfriend (and featured in Danny's Spotify Wrapped)! 

Who is Olivia?


Eliana joined Danny for some pre-emptive crisis response on the morning Avodah programming began at this local brunch spot

What is Golda?


This man with a ridiculous name was Eliana's only straight sexual experience 

Who is Willem Helmut Pickleman?


Eliana played this varsity sport, going with her team to the state championship

What is Tennis?


Eliana and Danny had a physical altercation in a moving vehicle during a disagreement about this road safety concern

What is texting and driving? 


This "ex" was not a girlfriend, but they did share a date– and they were sharing a bed when Eliana got the news of Esti's early birth!

Who is Zoe? 


Eliana navigated crises every day during her year of work doing street outreach for this peer-based harm reduction nonprofit

What is Project Weber/RENEW?


This phrase, shared with an Ariana Grande song, was the key lyric in a Lil Sniff straight-era original song that included the retain "I'm better I'm better I'm better I'm better"

What is "break up with your girlfriend"?


Eliana was voted a member of this fall honorific group, winning over her classmates in a popularity contest

What is homecoming court? 


Eliana shared a bed with Danny for many years, insisting that she be able to sleep on this side of the bed (for fear of intruders)

What is the outside/open side of the bed?


This recent crush skipped straight to ex status after some very bad kissing

Who is Caitlin (ballet crush)?

In the early weeks of the pandemic crisis, Eliana helped the family memorialize the times by engaging in this informal archival practice

What is the recording of voice note memos of family conversations?


Eliana's long-term high school crush, erroneously referred to by our parents as "Chauncey", among other things.  

Who is Clay Conover?

In her senior year, Eliana committed to Barnard College, choosing the school over this New England liberal arts alternative

What is Wesleyan University?