Elijah was a _____ of God
Elias era un ______ de Dios
Prophet / Profeta
Who was Ahab’s wife, who led him to worship Baal?
Kingdom of Israel in North & in the South
What is Israel and Judah
The number of years with no rain or the number of times Elijah pour water on the altar
What is 3
God's overall training on Elijah
What is to live by faith
Que le dijo Elias a Acabel sobre la tierra?
What did Elijah tell Ahab about the land?
Theirs was going to be a draught for years/va a ver una sequia por anos
Which god did King Ahab and Queen Jezebel lead Israel to worship?
The mountain where the Israelite setup altar
What is Mount Carmel
The number prophets of Baal gathered at the Mount Carmel
What is 450
Name one of the evil things in the sight of Jehovah that king Ahab did
What are married foreign wife, worship idols, human sacrifices
What did Elijah ask God to do after the contest?
He prayed for God to send rain, and He did
The evil king of Israel
Who is Ahab
Where did Elijah challenge the prophets of Baal to prove which God is more powerful?
Mount Carmel
How many people were with Elijah when he challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
None he was alone
Lesson from the widow at Zarephath
The contest on Mount Carmel must have this to the altar to prove that their god is real
What is called fire out from heaven to the altar
The false god that people worship
Who is Baal
Elijah's challenge took place in the northern kingdom of Israel. What was the name of the king of Israel at the time?
How many times did Elijah tell his servant to go and check for rain after praying on Mount Carmel?
After Elijah’s challenge, what did the people of Israel do when they saw the fire from God
they fell on their faces and acknowledged the Lord as the true God
Elijah did this to the altar before prayed to God to lit up the fire on Mt. Carmel
What is pour water all over the offering and the wood for 3 times
Foreign queen who wants to kill Elijah
Who is Jezebel
In which area was Elijah hiding during the time of the drought before he went to Mount Carmel?
Cherith Brook/arroyo Querit,
How many times did Elijah pour water over his altar before God sent fire from heaven?
Three times
What did Elijah ask the people of Israel to do after the fire came down from God on Mount Carmel?
to turn their hearts back to God