I’m telling you something will happen between 8 and 9
With an 8 on the clock
I say this a lot and it’s always in my head, hint it’s related to an artist
What is the name of my home group chat consisting of people like Noah Kandel, Ben Weiner, and Alex Silber?
The Council
Who is responsible for Justine and I meeting
Samantha Shell, Danny Sullivan
What is my favorite restaurant back home
How do I say no when someone offers me something that’s not food?
No thanks I already ate
I have set someone up with 2 of my friends for date nights, name the guy and the 2 girls I set him up with
Cameron Viento - Gianna Davis and Jenna Grutzmacher
Name the sports teams I like
Ravens, Capitals, Nationals, Manchester United
Name every place I’ve lived in for a significant amount of time
MD, LA, San Francisco, Syracuse
What do I do when I’m drunk
Talk to strangers, random bits, eat food
If I could take one mode of transportation everywhere it would be this
Who are my 3 biggest ops
Julia Paperny, Luke Radel, Megan Maczuga
Name 5 people in my pledge class
I’ll just tell you if you’re right
Game of Thrones, How I met your mother, Avatar the last airbender
When people ask me what colors I see, I say this
I only see purple
Name all of my roommates
Jack Goodman, Anthony Berrafato, Randall Vega, Patrick Ward, Mason Verdicchio, Shanny, Jacob Bennett
Name the 4 most important females in my life
Justine, My mom, Mira, rubster
Name every sport I played
Soccer, Tennis, Track, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Golf
What’s my ideal end goal in life
Buy the villa I stayed at in Italy and go off the grid