breathing fluid, food, vomitus or an object into the lungs
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
a broken bone
errbody gone die in this bih
a broken bone
the lack of joint mobility caused by abnormal shortening of a muscle
Wrist Restraint
a physical restraint that limits arm movement
False imprisonment
unlawful restraint or restriction of resident’s freedom of movement
a device attached to the bed, similar to a short bedrail, that limits freedom of movement but is used to promote independence, comfort or safety
Pelvic Support
a physical restraint used between the thighs to keep a resident’s hips from slipping forward
Restraint-free Care
an environment in which restraints are not kept or used for any reason
the act of choking to death; serious or fatal obstruction of normal breathing
chemical restraint
any drug that is used for discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms
Vest or Jacket
a physical restraint put on the upper body to provide support in a wheelchair and limit mobility while in bed or in a chair
Restraint Alternative
measures used instead of physical or chemical restraints
8 pulse sites
carotid, femoral, temporal radial, brachial, apical, popliteal, pedal
Physical Restraint
any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached to or near the resident’s body that the individual cannot remove easily which restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body
Soft Cloth Mitten
a physical restraint using a mitt that limits mobility of hands and use of fingers, frequently used for residents who could harm themselves by pulling at tubing, removing dressings, touching incisions or scratching a wound
Seat Belt
a belt placed at a 45-degree angle over thighs when sitting to prevent falling from a chair or wheelchair
8 success standards?
communications, interpersonal skills, multi-cultural relations, workplace relations & ethics, independent living, career & personal planning, information management, independent living, personal growth & management