What were the standard wages for actors in the Globe Theater?
A part time actor was payed 1 shilling a day, while main characters received 2 shillings a day. These were for the standard actors, though; the biggest names such as Shakespeare became share holders and were comparable to a big time cinematic actor today.
At what age could a boy become an acting apprentice?
Boys could become an apprentice at 10 years of age.
What would a female actor in the Elizabethan Era be equivalent to today, if it weren't illegal for them to join in the first place?
Female actors during that time were comparable to a prostitute. It was considered utterly immoral for a woman to take up acting on a public stage, like showing a pole dancer on a Broadway stage today.
When an actor took on an apprentice, what was he expected to provide the apprentice aside from mentoring?
They allowed the apprentice to live in the their household, a place to sleep, food & water, and also a very small allowance on which to spend for themselves.
Could an apprentice earn money from acting?
Yes, apprentices earned a wage.
Were women banned from acting in any and every play during the Elizabethan era?
No, while women could never play on a public stage during this time, there were instances when they played for more audiences.
What were the skills required to be an actor?
The skills in an actor's portfolio generally included knowing how to fall convincingly without hurting yourself, strong speaking skills, and skill with a sword. A good memory also came in very handy, as well.
How much money did an apprentice earn?
An apprentice in the Globe Theater earned the least amount of any of the actors at 3 shillings per week.
Were women forbidden completely from association with acting companies, even helping with make up and dress?
Yes, the boys who played female parts did costume and make up themselves, and had to learn how to put on the elaborate dresses and make up of Elizabethan era women's fashion. On a side note, the make-up worn by the boys was poisonous, resulting in ugly rashes and skin conditions, and many died from lead poisoning.
Who was the most well known actor of the Elizabethan era?
The actor Richard Burbage held the title of being the most well known actor of the day.
Was an apprentice allowed to keep the wages he earned?
No, their mentor received all earnings until they became a full actor.
While women could act in plays during certain instances, only an extremely select group could. What women were included?
Only women of very wealthy situations could act, such as queens or extremely wealthy nobles.
What 5 actors were the most prominent of the Lord Chamberlain's men?
William Shakespeare, Richard Burbage, John Heminges, Will Kempe and Henry Condell.
What was the latest age at which a boy typically was able to play a female character?
Boys up to the age of nineteen were known to play female characters.
What year were women allowed to perform publicly?
Women were allowed to play on a public stage by the year 1660, almost 6 decades after the end of the Elizabethan era.