Shakespeare play
Statistical death
The wake and burial

Why didn’t fryers letter get to Romeo?

Because he was put in quarantine


What were some reasons for the low life expectancy?

Plague, war, accident, crime, and childbed. All these were very real and because of no technology, even worse.


How long was the dead body in the house for during the wake?

Depending on wealth, the body would be brief the same place (poor) or could be put out for months while planning for a specific event (very rich)


Why did the merchant hesitate on selling Romeo the poison and then eventually sell it?

The merchant hesitated because it was illegal to sell poison. He eventually did because he was poor and needed the money.


At what age were people considered old?

People considered and “old” person as 50 years and above


What is a keener?

A person who mourns for the person's death very, very loudly. Keeners, who were usually female, might also drink the blood of the deceased, clap their hands, and tear at their hair and clothes.


Who told Romeo about Juliet’s supposed deaths?



If you lived to be 12…

You would most likely live to be 70


In times of war and plague,bodies were frequently disposed of in what?

Mass graves


Why was Romeo banished from the city?

Because he killed Tybalt ;^(


What percentage of people were dead by the age of 60?

Parish registers show only 8% - %16


What would happen to those considered outsiders by society—criminals, suicides, heretics, and so on?

They might be relegated to interment in unconsecrated ground, refused burial, or even exhumed and destroyed.


Was Romeo or Juliet even allowed to be buried at a church? Or at all?

No because they committed suicide which means their bodies are to be disposed of.


What percentage of widows remarried?

25%-35%, usually within the first year


When a graveyard was filled, what would happen to the older bones?

They would be dug up and thrown into a shed like building behind the church