true or false: elizabeth uses chemical sunscreen
what is true
elizabeth's favorite politician
who is ronald reagan
the person whose mother got paid to be his nurse
who is Moses
the most exciting day in august
when is august 23
my most eaten breakfast recently and the type of liquid i use most in it
what is overnight oat milk
true or false: elizabeth uses mineral sunscreen
what is true
the name of a senator from texas (bonus points if you name the less famous one)
who is ted cruz
bonus points: who is john cornyn
the empire over which Esther was a queen
what is the persian empire
maybe my dream college
what is princeton
from jeopardy: "A French landmark becomes a Biblical spot where language comprehension breaks down"
what is the eiffel tower of babel
the brand of the cleanser elizabeth uses most often
what is cerave
the name of one of the 2 states that have 2 republicans from them running for president that i can think of at the moment
where are south carolina or florida
the name of the first child born in the bible
who is cain
the day of the week that my bday is on this year
what is wednesday
from jeopardy: "The group assigned to protect the president proceeds through this door meant for delivery people & other help"
what is the secret service entrance
the number of steps in elizabeth's typical morning skincare routine
what is 6 (7 would also be accepted)
the name of a senator from hawaii
who are mazie hirono or brian schatz
the number of letters from Paul to Timothy in the Bible
what is 2
the breakfast i look forward to eating
what is chocolate overnight oats
from jeopardy: "NYC nickname that refers to the most special person ever"
what is the big apple of my eye
the number of steps in elizabeth's typical nighttime skincare routine (including lips)
what is 7 (8 would also be accepted)
name the person who was US president in 1950
who is truman
the kind of flower Jesus was talking about when he said, "They toil not, neither do they spin." Or, in NIV, "They do not labor or spin."
what are lilies
what is 25
the thing i do in the morning and an old fashioned name for what my fitbit is or just a watch
what is Bible time piece