Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Personal Finance

Gerund or infinitive?

I would like ______  to the park. (going/to go)

I would like to go to the park.


Gerund or infinitive?

I enjoy _____ for my family. (cooking/to cook)

I enjoy cooking for my family. 


What “C” term refers to the period when a home sale is considered final?



Complete with the appropriate superlative or comparative adjective (may need one word or two words).

She is ___ (tall) than her brother.

This book is _____ (interesting) than the last one I read.

She is taller than her brother.

This book is more interesting than the last one I read.


What two things can you do to help you save money on transportation?

Car pooling
Take public transit 



Complete the sentence with the present perfect or past simple.

We ___________ them regularly since we moved here. (visit)

We have visited them regularly since we moved here. (visit)


Gerund or infinitive?

1. I’ve finished __________________. Come and eat! (Cooking / to cook)

2. She decided __________________ biology at school. (Studying / to study)

1. I’ve finished cooking. Come and eat!                

2. She decided to study biology at school.             


What's the British equivalent of apartments?



Complete with one of these idioms: Money to burn, go dutch, don't put all your eggs in one basket

1. _________; invest in multiple stocks instead. 

2. With a new promotion and a hefty bonus, he had _______ and spent it on a luxury vacation.

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket; invest in multiple stocks instead.

2. With a new promotion and a hefty bonus, he had money to burn and spent it on a luxury vacation.


What is the word for a house that has only one floor?

A bungalow


Complete the sentence with the present perfect or past simple.

I _________ (travel) to many countries, but last year I ______ (visit) Japan for the first time.

I have travelled to many countries, but last year I visited Japan for the first time.


Complete the sentence with the present perfect.

The workers _______ a break in 4 hours. (not have)

The workers have not had a break in 4 hours. (not have)


Complete with the appropriate superlative or comparative adjective (may need two words).

1. Of all the players on the team, she is ____ (good).

2. That was ______ (bad) movie I've ever seen.

1. Of all the players on the team, she is the best.

2. That was the worst movie I've ever seen.


What does it mean to "go dutch"?

To go to a movie, restaurant, etc., as a group with each person paying for his or her own ticket, food, etc


What do these initialisms stand for?






1.Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

2.Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

3.Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

4.Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

5.Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

6.First Home Savings Account (FHSA)


Unjumble this sentence:

/ the / in / has  / recently / UK / opened / office / company / an / the

The company has recently opened an office in the UK.


Gerund or infinitve?

1. She agreed _______________ dessert to the party.  (Bringing / to bring)

2. We hope ________________ Amsterdam this summer. (Visiting / to visit)

3. I don’t recommend __________ the bus. It is too slow. (Taking / to take)

1.She agreed to bring dessert to the party.          

2. We hope to visit Amsterdam this summer.        

3. I don’t recommend taking the bus. It is too slow.  


What does the expression "cash cow" mean?

A business, investment, or product that provides a steady income or profit.


Complete the sentences with one of these words: cozy, unwind, to be out of this world, embrace, stand out

1. After a long day at work, she likes to ___ with a good book and a cup of tea.

2. The view from the mountain peak was so breathtaking that it seemed _____.

3. He decided to ____ the new challenges at work, seeing them as opportunities for growth.

4. The little cabin in the woods was ___, with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.

5.Her bright red coat made her ____ in the crowd of people dressed in dark colors.

1. After a long day at work, she likes to unwind with a good book and a cup of tea.

2. The view from the mountain peak was so breathtaking that it seemed to be out of this world.

3. He decided to embrace the new challenges at work, seeing them as opportunities for growth.

4. The little cabin in the woods was cozy, with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.

5. Her bright red coat made her stand out in the crowd of people dressed in dark colors.


What are the three types of interest rates when you set up a mortgage?

1. Fixed

2. Variable

3. Protected (or capped) variable rate


Gerund or infinitive?

1. If he keeps ___to work late, he's going to get fired. (coming/to come)

2. Cheryl suggested ____ a movie after work. (seeing/to see)

3. I agreed ____ Jack wash his car. (helping/to help)

4. She remembers ____ early to watch cartoons when she was young. (waking up/to wake up)

1. If he keeps coming to work late, he's going to get fired. (coming/to come)

2. Cheryl suggested seeing a movie after work. (seeing/to see)

3. I agreed to help Jack wash his car. (helping/to help)

4. She remembers waking up early to watch cartoons when she was young. (waking up/to wake up)


Unjumble this sentence: 

worst / the / have / ever / it’s / seen / sports / programme /  I 

It’s the worst sports programme I have ever seen.


Complete the sentences with one of these idioms:

Cash cow, go dutch, highway robbery, tighten our belts

1. With the recent pay cuts, we'll need to _______ and reduce our expenses.

2. The new smartphone model has become a _____ for the company, generating millions in profits.

3. Charging $8 for a bottle of water is ______.

4. When we go out to dinner, we usually _____ and split the bill evenly.

1. With the recent pay cuts, we'll need to tighten our belts and reduce our expenses.

2. The new smartphone model has become a cash cow for the company, generating millions in profits.

3. Charging $8 for a bottle of water is highway robbery!

4. When we go out to dinner, we usually go dutch and split the bill evenly.


What’s the fancy French term for a housing area on a “dead end” road that offers just about enough space for a car to turn around?



What are the four forms of home ownership?

Freehold, Condo or Condominium, Leasehold, Co-operative