Something we all love to watch on normal nights
What is Jeopardy?
My hobby
what is Israeli dancing?
my fave color
what is blue?
My favorite teacher (all year)
who is Mrs. Feigenson?
this is what came first
what is the egg?
about 70% of my family
what are cousins?
the camp I go to
what is Ramah Poconos? (the best!)
my fave thing to do
what is hang out with friends and family?
the main character in this series is Kristy, who starts a club.
what is the babysitters club?
I see with my little
what is eye?
what I hope to get from them
what is money and gifts?
I have never done this ever in my life
what is pull an all-nighter?
(stay up all night)
What is my favorite book series?
what is Kane Chronicles?
the first job I wanted when I was little
what is a teacher?
a type of tree
what is evergreen?
tali (my sister) said this randomly and I laughed so hard
what is "sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy"?
A sickness I've gotten WAY to many times
what is the/a cold?
my fave genre
what is fantasy?
I know all the lines for this person in High School Musical JR.
what is the moderator?
I'm hungry (verb)
what is to eat?
Kobi ate this and said it tasted like chicken
what is an ant? (true story!)
I love to go here ONLY in the wintertime
What is Puerto Rico?
my fave emoticon
what is :)?
the last place I've been to on vacation
what is buffalo, ny?
we learned about this last year in science
what is ecosystem?