What is Grandma Betty's middle name?
This recipe calls for 16oz of flour, sugar, butter and eggs.
Pound cake
What historical event does Ellie share her birthday with?
Pearl Harbor Day
Is it legal to pass when the pavement is marked with a double yellow line?
How did Bilbo come into posession of his ring?
He found it in a cave
According to Matthew 16 how many loaves of bread fed 5 thousand people?
In "Frosty the Snowman", what made Frosty come to life?
An old silk hat
This cousin is currently attending higher education.
Daisy and/or Alijah
From what place of employment did Grandpa Jack retire?
California Highway Patrol
Ellie made this hand held dessert for Dahlia's Bridal Shower. It calls for 16 oz of cream cheese and a certain root vegetable.
Carrot cake cupcakes
How did Ellie pronounce "sheep" when she was little?
How do you treat a traffic signal that is not functioning due to a power outage?
treat the intersection as a 4 way stop.
This faithful steed was Sam Wise Gamgee's pony.
Proverbs 16:18 " Pride goes before destruction, and a ______ _______ before a fall."
Haughty Spirit
Who wrote The song "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day"?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Which 2 cousins shared Chicken Pox last year?
Dahlia and Amelia
What state did Grandma Cloma's family move to California from.
If your cookie recipe calls for 16 oz of flour will this mean weight or volume?
(an oz is not a measure of volume unless it is a liquid)
What book has Ellie read more times that any other book?
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
If 2 vehicles arrive at a 4 way stop at the same time, does the vehicle on the left or right have the right-a-way?
Which birthday does Bilbo celebrate at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring?
(One hundred and eleventieth)
What time of day did God provide manna for the Israelites (Exodus 16)?
What language was "Silent Night" originally written in?
Which 2 cousins are the closest in age?
Jon and Bailey
True of False
Grandma Cloma had her real estate liscene in California.
This 1958 song performed by The Crests, never mentions a cake, but you wouldn't place them anywhere else.
16 candles
Which finger did Ellie have surgery on this last summer?
Right middle finger
What is the correct response when an emergency vehicle approaches from behind with their lights flashing?
immediately pull to the nearest curb or edge of roadway and stop
This golden, star shaped flower grows in the forest of Lorien.
Acording to Judges 16:3 who was Samson's second love?
This song was origianlly written about Thanksgiving.
Jingle Bells
(orignally known as "One Horse Open Sleigh")
Which cousin has owned the most cars?
Mountains: Of the USA's 50 tallest peaks, all are in Alaska, Colorado, and California except this peak.
Mount Rainer (Washington)
Where was Grandpa Ed's primary place of employment?
Proverbs 16:24 says that these are "sweetness to the soul and health to the bones".
pleasant words
Which of Grandpa's horses has bucked Ellie off multiple times?
What do you need to "feather" when driving a vehicle with a manual transmission?
How are Bilbo and Frodo Baggins related?
Bilbo is Frodo's cousin
According to Luke 16:20 "The beggar named Lazarus was covered with _______.
In the song "12 Days of Christmas" what is given on the 7th day?
Seven swans a-swimming
These 2 outlaws had a "dust up" with the Spirit Lake Police Department after being pulled over.
Honor and Alijah
What year did Grandma Lynne graduate form Highschool?
Her 50th High School Reunion was thsi year!!
The "boss" has 32 chromosomes, but these workers, who make your tea sweet only have 16.
The male honey bee
When Ellie was 2 years old and sick with a fever she awoke in the night quoting "tut tut, it looks like rain" from this famous childrens movie.
"Winnie The Pooh"
What model of vehicle did the Apostles use to get around in Acts 1:14?
" these all continued with one accord"
Who is Gandalf speaking of when he quotes the poem "All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost"?
Who first broke the news that Jesus had risen from the dead (Mark 16)?
Mary Magdalene
Who composed the music for "The Nutcracker Suite"?
Where was this picture taken?
Rathdrum Dairy Queen
Where did Grandpa Mark and Grandma Lynne meet?
Salem Bible College
If you bought 16 dozen donuts and passed them out equally to your 48 friends, how many donuts would each person receive.
How old is Ellie in this picture?
(It was taken on her birthday)
When parking on a 2 way street with a curb, facing uphill, you should turn your wheels which direction?
to the left
These wraith-like creatures capture the hobbits, but are ultimately defeated by Tom Bombadil.
In 1 Samueal 16 to what town did God send Samuel to anoint David?
What Christmas song did John Lenon and Yoko Ono release in 1971?
Happy Christmas (War is Over)
Leroy, Maria, James, Louise, Marie, Theo, Grace, Joy
What are all the cousins middle names?