Programming Languages
Machine Learning
Signal Processing
Summer Interns

This programming paradigm was invented at the University of Oslo and first integrated in the language Simula

What is Opbject Oriented Programming


 This is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks, often represented by a line or hyperplane.

What is linear regression


This mathematical transform is used to convert a signal from its time domain to its frequency domain.

What is the fourier transform


This library was used to create the GUI app for power measurement

What is TKInter


This term describes a code structure where functions are passed as arguments or returned by other functions.

What are Higher-Order functions


This neural network architecture is particularly well-suited for processing sequential data, like time series or natural language.

What is a recurrent neural network


This type of filter allows frequencies below a certain cutoff frequency to pass through while attenuating frequencies above the cutoff.

What is a low-pass filter


This tool was developed last summer and its name was heavly debated

What is Rabbit-test


This common data structure, often compared to a list, uses a last-in, first-out approach for adding and removing items.

What is a stack


This unsupervised learning technique is used to reduce the dimensionality of data, often used for visualization.

What is principle component analysis


This is the process of modifying a signal's amplitude, frequency, or phase to encode information.

What is modulation


This device is used to simulate keyboard presses on a sleeping computer through a socket

What is an Arduino


In this concept, two or more different operations are performed depending on the type or number of arguments passed.

What is overloading
- or -
What is polymorphism


This machine learning model combines multiple weak learners to create a strong learner, often using decision trees as the weak learners.

What is boosting


This theorem states that a signal can be perfectly reconstructed from its samples if the sampling frequency is at least twice the highest frequency present in the signal.

What is the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem


This tool was developed to streamline working with recordings outside of MATLAB.

What is PyPline


This functional structure combines program fragments and wraps their return value and two operators together

What are monads


This term describes the process of training multiple machine learning models on different subsets of the training data and combining their predictions.

What is ensemble


This digital signal processing technique is used to analyze and interpret the frequency content of signals that vary over time.

What is the Short-Time Fourier Transform


This device was considered for power measurements, but had a resolution too low for our needs.

What is Saleae Logic Analyzer