Figurative Language
Parts of Speech
Context Clues
Hodge Podge
This type of figurative language makes a comparison using the words LIKE or AS
What is a simile?
This is a person, place, thing, or idea. An example is "dog."
What is a noun?
Josephine walked gingerly around the broken glass. What is the meaning of "gingerly"?
What is: - carefully, cautiously, safely
You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet.

The people are doing this because...

A) they are angry
B) they are cold
C) they are farmers
D) they are hot
What is B?
This is the most exciting part of any story.
What is the climax?
This figure of speech makes a direct comparison between two things without using the words LIKE or AS.
What is a metaphor?
This part of speech is an action, occurrence, or state of being. "Stomp" is an example.
What is a verb?
"How long before we get there?" questioned Jose. When he did not get a response he desperately implored for an answer until his sister felt sorry enough for him to answer. What CONTEXT CLUES help the reader understand what "implored" means?
What is: "desperately" "sister felt sorry" Implore= to beg
Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered.

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet?

A) An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.
B)He fell in a puddle.
C) The kids in the house put the sprinklers on.
D) It started to rain.
What is A?
This is the lesson, or moral, of a story.
What is theme?
The lamp shade danced wildly after the cat whizzed by and bumped the table. What type of figurative language is being used above?
What is personification?
This part of speech describes (or modifies) a noun. An example is "awesome."
What is an adjective?
Mr. Clifton walked begrudgingly down the hallway muttering, "I can't believe One Direction didn't reply to my fan mail!". His eyebrows crinkled as he continued whispering this to himself. What context clues help the reader to understand "bregrudgingly"?
What are: "muttering" "can't believe" "eyebrows crinkled" bregrudgingly= insulted, bitter, offended
The waiting room was full. Two dogs lay patiently on the floor. A kitten cried in the cat carrier. A man came in the door carrying an injured dog. A white-coated man came out to meet him. Everyone knew they might have a long wait.

Where is this story happening?

A) A vet's office
B) A doctor's office
C) A grocery store
D) A farm
What is A?
This is the feeling, or emotion the reader gets from the story.
What is mood?
Sally looked at Joe, who was now drooling all over his math book. She shook him hard to wake him up and said, Joe, we've been studying for 1000 years. Let's just go home and go to bed." What type of figurative language is being used above?
What is hyperbole?
This part of speech modifies (describes) any other part of speech, but is usually used to modify a verb. This part of speech usally ends in -ly.
What is an adverb?
It is hard to find someone who thinks Johanna is irascible- she is always smiling and in a good mood! What is the meaning of "irascible"?
What is: "crabby" "angry" "cranky" "grouchy"
Something strange was going on. First, Aidan's aunt said, "Top o' the morning to you!" Then she served him green oatmeal with green milk. She was wearing a green top hat. Aidan wondered whether it was April Fool's Day, but his food tasted fine.

When did Aidan first realize that something strange was happening?

A) noon
B) afternoon
D) morning
What is D?
The author's reason for writing a story is also called this.
What is author's purpose?
Jorge's mom told him to stay away from the big box in the living room. When she went into the kitchen, he tiptoed toward the box, and slowly opened the flaps when suddenly out burst his little brother with a Halloween mask on! Jorge screamed so loud his mother came running. She only look at him laughing and said, "Curiosity killed the cat" What type of figurative language is being used in the last sentence?
What is an idiom.
This part of speech links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. "Under" is an example.
What is a preposition?
Sofia loves going out and hanging out with her friends. However, Stephan is quite the introverted person who prefers quiet nights inside. What context clues help the reader understand "introverted"?
What is: "Sofia loves going out" "however" "quiet nights in"
This man gets up early each morning even when he's been up very late the night before. His office is part of his home, so he has no commute time. He often travels great distances on business. His job is very difficult, because he can never make everyone happy. In spite of this, he keeps on trying to do the best possible job that he can, while feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Who is this man?

A) A business man
C) The President
D) The Vice President
What is C?
This is a note at the bottom of a page, marked with a number, that gives more information about a word, date, or event.
What is a footnote?