Figurative Language 1
Types of Conflict
W2 Vocabulary
Hodge Podge
The type of figurative language found here: This started out as a jumping rope You prob'ly think that I'm a dope but this started out as a jumping rope And now I fear there is no hope but this started out as a jumping rope.
What is a repetition?
Conflict that occurs between two or more characters or opposing forces.
What is a external conflict, or character vs. character.
This word is in the same word family as structure: A. straight B. spectacular C. building D. construct
What is D? construct
You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet.

The people are doing this because...

A) they are angry
B) they are cold
C) they are farmers
D) they are hot
What is B?
This word means a disgusting smell
What is fetid?
This figure of speech makes a direct comparison between two things without using the words LIKE or AS.
What is a metaphor?
A character struggles to overcome fear, addiction, emotional damage or other crippling personal issue.
What is internal conflict?
This is used to compare and contrast two or more things or ideas.
What is a Venn Diagram?
Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered.

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet?

A) An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.
B)He fell in a puddle.
C) The kids in the house put the sprinklers on.
D) It started to rain.
What is A?
A group of stars is called this.
What is constellation?
This type of figurative language gives human characteristics to animals or objects. Bonus 100 points for an example!
What is personification? 1 example: The naked trees shivered in the icy cold of winter.
Name one INTERNAL conflict that affected Hercules.
He murdered his own wife and children while under Hera's curse, so felt horrible and guilty and sad.
A synonym for the phrase "using trickery" is A. brave B. foolish C. cunning D. crazy
What is C cunning: having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion
The waiting room was full. Two dogs lay patiently on the floor. A kitten cried in the cat carrier. A man came in the door carrying an injured dog. A white-coated man came out to meet him. Everyone knew they might have a long wait.

Where is this story happening?

A) A vet's office
B) A doctor's office
C) A grocery store
D) A farm
What is A?
The base word and the prefix of impossible (2 answers)
Base word: What is possible? Prefix: im
This create a picture of something in the readers mind. It relies on the 5 senses to help paint the picture.
What is imagery?
The character battles an unjust element of government or culture.
What is external conflict, or character vs. society?
This word means impressive in size or appearance A. eternal B. widespread C. modern D. imposing
What is D? imposing
Something strange was going on. First, Aidan's aunt said, "Top o' the morning to you!" Then she served him green oatmeal with green milk. She was wearing a green top hat. Aidan wondered whether it was April Fool's Day, but his food tasted fine.

When did Aidan first realize that something strange was happening?

A) noon
B) afternoon
D) morning
What is D?
Compare and contrast alliteration to repetition. Give one example comparing them and one example contrasting them.
Alliteration and repetition are both types of figurative language (sound devices), but alliteration uses a consonant at the beginning of the word, while repetition repeats words, phrases, or sections.
This is the repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of words.
What is alliteration?
War between two countries or groups of people.
What is external conflict?
This words means happening in many places. A. widespread B. constellation C. stealthily D. imposing
What is A? widespread
The polar ice caps are one of the seven NEW Wonders of the world. Make an inference about the climate of these two regions.
The weather is cold, harsh, and extreme. Not too many creatures or people are able to survive here.
The correct way to write this sentence: In 2000, astronaut's boarded a space shuttle to travel to the international Space station.
In 2000, astronauts boarded a space shuttle to travel to the International Space Station.