Favorite foods
Whose that artist?
What kind of job?

Mr.J enjoys a simple meal that is considered an old time favorite with the older generations style of cooking. A chub of meat slathered in Gravy and or Ketchup mixed with Mash potatoes, biscuits, Orange soda, and a fresh hot slice of Apple pie and is commonly referred to as "A loaf" once prepared


This artist is commonly known to have some relationship with the solar system being the 4th planet from the sun and is known widely from the song "Uptown Funk"

Bruno Mars


This game is played with a round ball that can only be made into a net through means of kicking, body bumps, or headbutts so long as there's no hand contact. 



This game features a various amount of Emotes, weapons, and quick time crafting for the ability to be crowned winner in an all our battle royal style winners circle



This job requires that you carry yourself with valor and honor as you serve the people by protecting them from themselves as well as maintaining order and patrolling their local area of province. 



Ms.Precious enjoys a wrapped style of food that is often jam packed with meat and bean goodness, add some cheese, lettuce, hot sauce and some other ingredients and this "tightly" wrapped delight is enjoyable without the hassle of a mess



This artist has been characterized to have erratic and moody behavior over the last four years and currently owns a clothing brand known as Yeezys, they're also a for rising rap artist with hit songs like "Champion" "Heartless" and "Stronger"

Kanye West


This game is often played in full padded gear as the roughness of this sport has been made to ensure everyone stays safe while tackling players to the ground in efforts to retain the ball



This game requires 4 players and a set amount of money each play, with an older fella with a top hat as the mascot this game is meant to be played by buying property and forcing other players out by bankrupting them



This job requires people to work in grueling conditions in both sun and winds to establish various foundations and bases before building and attaching the walling to these buildings as they're set up

Construction worker


Ms. Jessica enjoys a soup like dish that isn't exactly from here, made in Vietnam and other Asian countries this noodle delight is served with several variations of broth, chives, and other steamed veggies that is commonly referred to as...



This Rap artist has currently been through the media highlights given the disposition he had with another named artist that resulted in a series of diss tracks that ultimately won fans over and proving him to be the winner. He is also known for famous songs such as "PRIDE" "We Gonna be Alright" and "MA.AD City"

Hint: He's also known as K-Dot

Kendrick Lamar


A beach sport that was made with the purpose of hitting the ball once and passing it on to a teammate to swat the ball over the net and hitting the enemy teams ground.

Volley ball

Set to be one of the biggest drops of the coming year as many kids, adults and everyone else in between have been making meme jokes such as "We got electric flying cars first before _______ dropping "



This worker bee is often seen in various restaurants that serve meals at a moments notice, excellent service and delicious food 

Fast food worker


Ms. Justeen enjoys a more south of the border delight that is partially wrapped in a tortilla and fried to hardened to hold the contents of this delicious delight often server on Tuesdays for a discount



Some considered her involvement with the Kansas City Chiefs to be the result of a recent superbowl win to earn fan favoritism towards the Chiefs winning with memorable song such as "Shake it off"

Taylor Swift


A sport made simple where two or four players stay dormant in a large square as they hit a small ball with their open palm in attempts to have the other team played out

Hand ball


This game is played with only 2 players and requires a bit of cunning, poker face, and plan making. With a set of black and white pieces your pawns often make the first move.



This person is often found in a medical setting as their main purpose is to assist, help nurture, and offer aid wherever they can to ensure their patients are stable



Ms. Magda enjoy a conversational delight that Mr. J does not agree with, that contains both sausage and pineapple. Hint : Mr. J believes that this particular fruit should never be hot nor paired with these cheesy discs



A much older artist that was once remembered as the King of Pop whose aura was so intense it cause people to faint and pass out during their shows, His most memorable music being "Man in the Mirror", "Thriller", and "Billie Jean"

Michael Jackson


A game that is played similarly like football however the Brits call this differently in which there are no pads, a much larger ball, and is almost always played in the EU


A much older game that hasn't been heard of since 2012 shows a man on a mission with cybernetic enhancements who stops at nothing to uncover the truth

Dues Ex: Human Revolution


Works side by side many informants that dictate the worlds events for everyone to learn at various times revolving around 6am-6pm-and 11 O'clock. Some stations often have 24 casts

News reporter