Who is the head of the Counseling department
Meridith S.
Which ELP job is in Chestnut Hill
What movie that came out in 2024 starred pop singer Ariana Grande
This video is about a pro skater
Tony Hawk
This princess was stuck in a castle and couldn't leave
Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Who is the supervisor of the Transition Department
Abby H
Which ELP Job is at a Private school
Dana Hall
What is Marvel highest grossing Movie
Averger Endgame
This video game is based on a sport that has hoops in it.
NBA 2k
What is the name of the disney princess who was in Sleep Beauty
In what town is LPS in?
West Newton
How many current ELP jobs do we have
What is Pixar highest grossing movie?
Inside Out 2
What video game system is owned by Sony?
What is the name of the princess that was half human half mermaid?
Who is the Executive Director of LPS
What form of document do you need to apply for a job
Which company/brand owns the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
What video game system is owned by Microsoft?
Which Princess has a magical Ice Prower?
Which employee has been here the longest
Marley B.
What do you need in order to get paid from your job
bank account
Who Played Spider-Man in all recent movies
Tom Holland
You can find these brothers on this specific video game system
Nintendo - Mario Brothers
Which Princess has long, magical golden hair?