Victoria made a chocolate cake. Victoria brought the cake to class.
Victoria made a chocolate cake and brought the cake to class.
Dylan wants to be an astronaut he loves science.
Dylan wants to be an astronaut because he loves science.
Dylan wants to be an astronaut. He loves science.
The girl careful throwed the ball.
The girl carefully threw the ball.
Say a sentence telling more about the habitat.
Groundhogs live in forests.
Groundhogs live in meadows.
Groundhogs live in North America.
Would you rather drink milk or juice? Give two reasons.
Answers will vary
Must have two different reasons.
Must include a clear opinion.
The dog loves the park. The dog loves running by the lake.
The dog loves the park and running by the lake.
Valery dances everyday she is a very good dancer.
Valery dances every day. She is a very good dancer.
Valery is a very good dancer because she dances everyday.
Ms. Crespo explain what to solve the math problem.
Ms. Crespo explained how to solve the math problem.
Say something more about the groundhog's diet.
Groundhogs eat dandelions.
Groundhogs eat clovers.
Groundhogs eat insects.
How could you start your Justify an Opinion paragraph?
In my opinion
I think
Heber flew to California. Anthony flew to California.
Heber and Anthony flew to California.
Ms. Garcia assigned a lot of homework she will be absent tomorrow.
Ms. Garcia assigned a lot of homework because she will be absent tomorrow.
Ms. Garcia assigned a lot of homework. She will be absent tomorrow.
We doesn't goes shopping during the weekend.
We don't go shopping during the weekend.
Say two or more sentences providing additional information about a groundhog's diet and appearance.
Groundhogs eat grass and dandelions. They have brown fur and short legs.
(answers will vary)
How would you start your supporting reasons sentences?
One reason is
Another reason is
For example
We are getting on the bus. We are going to the zoo.
We are getting on the bus to go to the zoo.
Music means a lot to me certain songs bring wonderful memories.
Music means a lot to me. Certain songs bring wonderful memories.
It get dark and cold outside because of the clouds.
It gets dark and cold outside because of the clouds.
What does the "Write About Academic Information" task type always include?
chart, graph, diagram, or academic visual
What makes your supporting reasons stronger?
Yonathan should show up on time. Yonathan will not be able to enter.
Yonathan should show up on time or he will not be able to enter.
My mom visits going to the museums and can spend hours looking at the art and she is an artist herself and she teaches art.
My mom visits the museum and can spend hours looking at the art. She is an artist herself. She teaches art.
Those girl likes to play with the grass with a dogs.
Those girls like to play in the grass with a dog.
The girl likes to play in the grass with dogs.
How many writing task types are there on the Summative ELPAC for Grades 3-5 and what are they?
Four (4) - Describe a Picture, Write About an Experience, Write About Academic Information, and Justify an Opinion
What sentences and how many sentences should you have in your justify an opinion paragraph?
Opinion statement, two different reasons, and a concluding sentence. 3 to 5 sentences
Could also have example sentences