They drive on the left!
Black History Month
Romantic Puns
The Super Bowl, minus any sports trivia
Non-Political Presidential Trivia

The "Magic Roundabout" in this country actually consists of five different roundabouts put together.

What is England? (United Kingdom / UK is acceptable)


In 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in this American major league sport.

What is baseball?


Compatible romantic partners can be said to share a good version of this scientific field.

What is chemistry? ("Good chemistry")


Chips, pizza, and these fowl entree are the most consumed food during the Super Bowl.

What are chicken wings?


This 44th U.S. President is the only one with more vowels in his last name than consonants.

Who is Barrack Obama?


A majority of people in the world who drive on the left do so in this south Asian country, which has a population of over 1 billion people and the largest road network in the world.

What is India?


This landmark Supreme Court case ruled that the racial segregation in the schools of Topeka, Kansas violated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


A highly attractive person is likely made out of this object that pulls iron, nickel, and cobalt closer to it.

What is a magnet? ("You must be part magnet, because you're so attractive!")


The iconic "1984" Super Bowl XVIII ad from this tech company promoted their new computer as a breakthrough against a dystopian future of brainwashing and conformity.

What is Apple?


This is the tallest U.S. President in history at 6'4", and that doesn't even include his signature top hat.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


Due to being a British colony until 1997, this special administrative region of China still drives on the left hand side of the road, despite how mainland China drives on the right hand side.

What is Hong Kong?


Although he didn't truly invent this legume seed's buttery spread, agricultural scientist George Washington Carver's primary work with this crop led him to become the first Black American to have a national monument dedicated to them.

What is the peanut?


Rather than telling someone "I love you," get a groan out of them by replacing "I love" with this Mediterranean fruit that can be pressed into oil.

What is an olive? ("Olive you")


The 1993 halftime show performance by this "King of Pop" is considered to have changed the halftime show into the biggest televised musical concert of the year.

Who is Michael Jackson?


This 3rd U.S. President is credited as being the inventor of the swivel chair, which was probably helpful when drafting the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This Caribbean island country may be known for reggae music and relaxing beaches, but its driving culture involves constantly using the horn and not using turn signals while passing only on the right.

What is Jamaica?


This Black American civil rights association was founded in 1909 to "achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion", and is most recognized by its five-letter acronym.

What is the NAACP? (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)


If someone is your type, they might remind you of this computer input device.

What is a keyboard?

("You remind me of a keyboard, because you're my type!")


Since 1984, it's a Super Bowl tradition to douse the head coach of the winning team in this beverage after or near the end of the game.  Bettors wager on the poured beverage's color.

What is Gatorade?


Although this $50 bill president is known as a successful Union general in the Civil War, he was also known for his fondness of whiskey and bourbon.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


This former Dutch Colony between the Indian and Pacific Oceans is the largest island nation in the world by land mass and drives on the left; interestingly, the Netherlands drives on the right.

What is Indonesia?


Despite the prevalence of Jim Crow laws and a segregated American military during World War II, this first-ever group of nearly 1000 Black American military aviators flew multiple key missions that involved protecting American bomber planes.

Who are the Tuskegee Airmen?


Someone who is adorable at an angle between 0 and 90 degrees must mean they are this classification.

What is "acute"?

("Are you a 30-degree angle? Because you're acute-y!")


This 9th U.S. president is known for two lengths of time: a record-long 2-hour inaugural address, and dying in office after just 30 days.

Who is William H. Harrison?