Safety for embrace
Technical terms
Session notes

What is the code word when you need help?



What is Extinction?

With holding all reinforcement


You are recording the time it takes from the presentation of the demand (SD) to the first instance of behavior. What are you measuring?

  a) Duration 

  b) Frequency 

  c) Latency

  d) IRT



What is required in a session note when supervision is provided at embrace?

check BCBA box, add supervision time, and provide information if anything significant occurred.


You have been working with your client for two years. Your clients mom tells you they’re going out with friends tomorrow and offers to come along. If you accepted what should you be violating?

a) Dual relationships

b) responding inappropriate to feedback

c) legal compliance

d) effective communication

Dual relationships 


When behaviors occur where is the RBT supposed to stand? *Hint:Learned in Safty care

Between the client and door


What is shaping?

The use of reinforcement of successful approximations of a desired behavior 


What is the primary difference between Discrete Trial Training and Incidental Teaching?

  a) Incidental teaching doesn't use reinforcement

  b) Incidental teaching occurs in the natural environment

  c) There is no difference

  d) DIT is better than incidental teaching

Incidental teaching occurs in the natural environment


Which of the following examples would be acceptable in a session note?

  a) "The client was angry with me today which is why behaviors   occurred"

  b) "Nothing significant happened today" .

  c) "The client became anxious when I told him to grab his   corner the kitchen"

  d) "The client manded 8 times today independently. The client   also labeled "spoon" and "fork"

 "The client manded 8 times today independently. The client   also labeled "spoon" and "fork"


Your session takes place during lunch time each day. The client’s father has started to buy you lunch and requested you eat lunch with him. What is the best course of action?

Politely decline and inform your supervisor


What is the emergency code to open the locked doors?

push 9 6x’s


What is discontinuous measurement?

whole interval recording, Partial interval recording and momentary time sampling.


A repertoire refers to?

  a) The skills a client possesses

  b) A type of antecedent intervention

  c) A verbal operant

  d) The type of measurement you are using

The skills a client possesses


Which of the following is a requirement for session notes:

a) the note is subjective

b) use clients initials 

c) the note is objective 

d) the note is 4 sentences long

The note is objective


When explaining something to parents what should you try and do?

Use terminology that the parent can understand


Which clients have allergies? 

SoBa: liquid milk (severe)

TeGo: fire ants (severe; Epi-pen required)

IrGa: cats (mild)


When should you deliver a prompt?

After the Sd, before the response.


What are the Functions of a behavior?


Tangible, automatic, attention, and escape


Why is writing a session note benefit the BCBA? *pick best answer  

a) RBT providing info about the graphs

b) shows insurance what we did

c) track clients progress in therapy and tailor treatment 

d) provide info for the BCBA note that’s written.

Track clients progress in therapy and tailor their treatment.


Ethically and professional, you should comply with what? Pick the best answer.

a) You only need to comply with the law

  b) All legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements

  c) Company policy

  d) The ethical code

All legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements


What do we do when there is a fire?

Walk out to the front of the building, walk to the grass, walk to the end of the lot and make a circle and protect clients from fire


decribe what a contingency means 

If-then statement 


 Food, water, sleep are examples of

  a) Secondary reinforcers

  b) Consequences 

  c) Primary reinforcers 

  d) SD

Primary reinforcers


What not to write in a session note? Pick all that apply.

a) client felt scared when walking outside

b) write peers name when playing cooperative play

c) be subjective 

d) write down all behaviors that occurred

e) write what the client ate at lunch

f) RBT ran “circle time” client was observed to sit for 8 minutes long without challenging behaviors 

g) how they came into the clinic 

a, b, c, e, f


What question should you ask yourself when presented with an ethical dilemma?

  a) What's the right thing to do?

  b) What's worth doing?

  c) What does it mean to be an ethical RBT? 

  d) All of these

All of these