Branchial Arches
A 35 year old woman was diagnosed with an adenoma of the thyroid gland, which required excision of the lower pole (left lobe) of the gland and ligation of the artery supplying that region. This nerve follows the accompanying artery and is most likely to be damaged if the surgeon is not careful.
What is the recurrent laryngeal
You are preparing for your first venous catheterization. This muscle will provide you with the best guide to the internal jugular vein.
What is the sternocleidomastoid
Patient comes into the emergency room 1:30am with a shallow stab wound in the omoclavicular triangle and BAC of 0.25 so even though he is bleeding considerably he is pretty content that he had won the bar fight. This vessel was most likely cut.
What is the external jugular vein?
There are ____ branchial arches, which have branchial grooves formed from ____ and pharyngeal pouches formed from ____
What is 4 branchial arches (remember: start with 6 ... 5 disappears and 4 and 6 fuse). Branchial grooves formed from ectoderm and pharyngeal pouches formed from endoderm.
You are eating dinner at a fancy steak restaurant when a man at the table next to you chokes and is in respiratory distress. After trying the Heimlich maneuver without success you decide to create an emergency airway to save the man's life. This is the level of the neck below the vocal cords where you would create an airway with minimum danger of hemorrhage
What is below the thyroid cartilage or above the cricoid cartilage
An abscess was surgically removed from the middle of teh posterior triangle on the right side. While recovering the patient noticed that her shoulder drooped. This nerve was most likely damaged during surgery
What is the spinal accessory (XI)
After a difficult birth, it is noted that the child has a permanently tilted head posture with right ear near right shoulder and face turned upward and to the left. This muscle was damaged during birth.
What is the sternocleidomastoid?
These vessels are contained within the carotid sheath (3)
What are the internal carotid, common carotid, and internal jugular vein
Brachial pouch III and IV develop into these endodermal structures, respectively
What is the inferior parathyroid gland and superior parathyroid gland?
Patient comes to the ER comatose after being hit in the head with a baseball in the temporal region. CT shows skull fracture and accumulation of blood between the dura and cranial bone. This hemorrhage is described as _______ and most likely due to this artery
What is an epidural hemorrhage caused by the middle meningeal artery
You have a patient diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma (tumor of the VIIIth CN). This nerve is most likely also affected as it follows a similar path.
What is the facial nerve (CN VII)
Muscles of facial expression are derived from this branchial arch and are innervated by this nerve
What is the 2nd arch and the facial nerve? (remember: this also includes stapedius; stylohyoid; posterior belly of digastic)
Due to multiple salivary calculi (stones) in the submandibular duct, the submandibular gland was surgically removed. This artery is related to the gland and should be of special concern to the surgeon
What is the facial artery?
Cranial nerves ____, _____, and _____ are derived from preotic somitomeres
What is oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), and abducens (VI)
Patient complains that it is deafening loud when she chews food. This muscle supplied by this nerve could be responsible for her complaints.
What is the tensor tympani innervated by the trigeminal?
A patient is diagnosed with a tumor near the jugular foramen. She is experiencing difficulty swallowing and frequently aspirates fluids while drinking. This nerve is most likely accounts for this presentation
What is the Vagus (X)
This is the only muscle that abducts the vocal cords (name and innervation)
What is the posterior cricoarytenoid innervated by inferior laryngeal nerve?
A 60 year old man with a hx of right carotid endarterectomy comes to you complaining of light-headedness and dizziness whenever he uses his right hand vigorously. He is diagnosed with subclavian steal syndrome due to atherosclerosis at the point where subclavian artery branches from brachiocephalic trunk. His symptoms of cerebral insufficiency are due to blood being stolen from this artery
What is the vertebral artery?
Bracheal arches appear early in _____ week and differentiate into terminal structures by the end of ____ week.
What is 4th and 7th
This functional ligament is responsible for sound production and closing of the rima glottidis
What is the conus elasticus? (note: it arises from the entire upper edge of the arch of the cricoid and attach anteriorly to thyroid and posteriorly to the arytenoid)
When getting her ears pierced, a 15 year girl describes the pain when piercing the helix much worse than when she had gotten her lobes done. This could possibly be accounted for by the fact that these two nerves supply those different areas of the pinna
What are the auriculotemporal nerve (V3) - helix and the great auricular nerve (C2-3) - lobe (note: the auriculotemporal nerve also supplies innervation to the external auditory meatus and temporomandibular joint, and carries postganglionic parasympathtic fibers to the parotid gland.)
While recovering from right facial paralysis, a 36 year old female patient complained that food accumulated between the teeth and the cheek mucosa when chewing. The deficiency of this muscle was most likely the cause of the chewing problem.
What is the buccinator?
During childbirth, an excessive anteroposterior compression of the head may tear the anterior attachment of the falx cerebri from the tentorium cerebelli. The bleeding that follows is due to this venous sinus.
What is the straight sinus
This is the only muscle derived from the 3rd branchial arch
What is the stylopharyngeus (also only muscle in the pharynx innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve)?
Branchial arch defect leading to mandibular underdevelopment, cleft palate, defects of eye and ear
What is Pierre-Robin Syndrome?