What does "CPR" stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
What is the correct chest compression rate in CPR?
100-120 compressions per minute.
What is the average heart rate for an adult?
60-100 beats per minute
How do you say "Comprueba el pulso y empieza las compresiones torácicas"?
Check the pulse and start chest compressions.
What is "quemadura" in English?
What should you do first when treating a deep wound?
Apply pressure to stop bleeding.
Which color indicates "high risk" in triage?
How do you say "Levanta la barbilla y abre las vías respiratorias"?
Lift the chin and open the airway.
How do you say "herida grave" in English?
Severe wound
What should you do if a patient has low blood pressure?
Keep them lyin
How much blood loss is considered dangerous?
Losing more than 1 liter (about 20% of total blood volume).
Translate "Debemos inmovilizar el brazo con una férula".
We must immobilize the arm with a splint.
How do you say "hinchazón" in English?
What should you do before performing CPR?
Check the airway and breathing.
Which organ is most affected by lack of oxygen?
The brain
How do you say "El paciente tiene dificultad para respirar, dale oxígeno"?
The patient has difficulty breathing, give them oxygen.
Translate "presión arterial" into English.
Blood pressure
How do you perform CPR on an infant?
Use two fingers for chest compressions, 30:2 ratio.
What is the emergency number in Australia?
Cubre al paciente con una manta para mantenerlo caliente.
Cover the patient with a blanket to keep them warm.