True or False: Warehouse safety is DHL'S number one priority.
Safety is one of three core values DHL implements; Safety being number one!
True or False: I should expect aftershocks to follow the main shock of an earthquake.
True: Expect aftershocks to follow the main shock of an earthquake. Be ready to Drop, Cover, and Hold On if you feel an aftershock.
True or False: We are allowed to have space heaters because they are not a potential fire hazard.
False – Space heaters do pose a possible fire hazard by either overriding the circuit or catching something on fire
As you walk through your warehouse, you notice an unknown person without an ID badge and safety vest. What do you do?
Approach them politely and say "Hi, how can I help you?"
Lost ID badges/vests and unauthorized persons in the facility must be reported to your supervisor as soon as possible.
Who do you report to in the case of an emergency (weather, First Aid, and/or workplace violence)?
Nearest Management Team member [Black Vests] (Supervisor, Operations Manager, and Upper Management)
True or False: You should take all emergency drills seriously and evacuate the building
True – You should take all emergency drills seriously and evacuate the building
What should you do in the event of an earthquake?
Take cover underneath a sturdy surface and evacuate when safe/told to do so
True or False: Everyone in the warehouse can use the fire extinguishers to put out a fire
False – Only the management that have been certified can use a fire extinguisher
What should you do in the event of an active shooter?
Either fight, run, or hide and evacuate the building when safe
Where can you find the Emergency Action Plan Binder?
Near the supervisor's desks.
Where are the designated meeting spots?
Front parking lot and rear parking lot
False: If you are in a damaged building, go outside and quickly move away from the building. Do not enter damaged buildings.
What are some potential fire hazards in the warehouse?
1) Damaged or overloaded electrical outlets, cords and cables
2) Flammable products (ex. Adhesive Spray)
3) Heating Devices (ex. Heat Gun)
What do you in the event of workplace violence?
Stay calm.
Notify authorities as soon as possible.
Avoid any aggressive response that may provoke the attacker, such as yelling or arguing.
If you can do so safely and without aggravating the situation, evacuate the area.
Where are the shelter locations within the warehouse - in the case of a hurricane, tornado or other emergency weather situation?
Breakroom, HR Office, East Office, and the Front Office.
What types of emergencies do we prepare for?
Earthquake, fire, and active shooter
What do you do if you are in an MHE during an earthquake?
Stop the MHE. Hang on and Stay within the MHE until the Earthquake stops (the overhead cover of the MHE should cover you from falling debris).
If you are elevated in an Order Picker MHE, lower the MHE and within the MHE until the Earthquake stops.
What should you do in case of a fire?
Safely evacuate the building – meet in designated area
What are some indicators that can signal the potential risk of violent episodes?
1) Sudden and persistent complaining about being treated unfairly
2) Blaming of others for personal problems
3) Sudden change in behavior, deterioration in job performance
4) Statement that he or she would like something bad to happen to a particular individual
What is the first thing to do when a serious injury has happened to another person?
Check the scene to ensure it is safe and secure. Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is an immediate danger (ex. flood, fire, poisonous gas).
DO NOT TOUCH THEM if they have been electrocuted.
Then call for help from a supervisor, safety manager, or ERT Member.
What should you do in an evacuation drill?
Make your way to the nearest exit and go to the closest meeting spot
What should you do if you are trapped?
If you are trapped, bang on a pipe or wall. Cover your mouth with your shirt for protection and instead of shouting, use a whistle.
How much clearance must the overhead sprinklers have from the product below them?
3 feet (36 inches)
What are the 3R's in a threatening situation?
1) Remain Calm
2) Remember details - memorize as much as possible of what happened
3) Report crimes - when immediate danger is past, you should report crimes right away to your supervisor, your management and the police
What do you do during a power outage?
1) Follow our protocol for reporting an outage
2) Shut off computers and other equipment in your work area. This will reduce demand and protect motors from possible surges when power is restored.
3) Ensure that a light is left on so you know when electricity is restored.
4) Follow your organization’s procedures such as evacuating or moving or sheltering in place.