First Responder(s)
Red, White, & Blue
Rock n' Rumble

When do you need to notify emergency personnel? 

When the emergency requires more than the basic first aid treatment 


Where are the panic buttons in the RAW?

Located in each locker room

All restrooms

Massage room

Relaxation room


What are some things to remember when encountering a violent intruder?

Stay calm and listen 

Be polite

Maintain eye contact

Speak slowly, quietly, & confidently 


In the event of an earthquake immediately what should you do? 

Take cover under table or desk or in a doorway until the shaking stops


What do you do with items that have bodily fluids/blood on them?

Place in a red bio-hazard bag and ask ops to put it in the bio-hazard bin located in the custodial closet. 


What should you take with you in the case of an emergency?

Radio, first aid bag, AED if necessary, iPad/incident report


How many AED's are there in the RAW, & where are the AED's located?

1. In EQR

2. 1st floor next to basketball court

3. 2nd floor hallway by row machines


How much space should be between you and the hostile person?

3 - 6ft, between and beyond arms reach

(arrange yourself so that the person cannot block your access to any exits)


In the event of an earthquake what should you stay away from?

Heavy equipment, glass windows and doors, and chemical storage areas.


What are the steps you should take if a bodily fluid spill occurs?

Assess the situation, close area as needed, and contact custodial.


What are the 4 C's when first responding to a medical emergency? 

Check: the scene and the person

Call: Notify appropriate staff and call 911

Care: provide care within the scope of your training

Complete: documentation of incident 


Where is the bio-hazard bin located? 

In the custodial closet on the first floor


What actions will increase hostility? 

taking sides

rejecting their demands

being cold or giving them the run around

your body language

making false statements or promises you cant keep


After the earthquake, what is the first things you should do?

Check for injured persons & administer aid as needed


When coming in contact with bodily fluids what is the first thing you should do?

Put on gloves!


If an injury is report to EQR or Front Desk, who should they notify?

Operation Supervisor & 911 if necessary


Where are extra first aid supplies?

Outdoor Adventures


When and who should you notify when you encounter someone with hostile behaviors?

Supervisor (opsup & prostaff ASAP!)


Should you move an injured person?

No!!! Unless in immediate danger


After typical custodial hours or weekends, who do you contact? 

The swing shift duty phone. (3-11:30pm)

Weekends or after 11:30pm call UPD


Who is the final person that needs to be notified and in what ways can this be done?

Jennifer Luna; email/text, end of shift report, and filing of incident report in mailbox


Where are the emergency exits?

Fitness Center under stairs

Front doors

Outdoor Adventures

Doors next to EQR

Hallway between PAW & FC


What is the final step once the situation has been resolved?

Document the occurrence & try to provide as much details as possible. 


After an earthquake, when is building reentry allowed?

Not until the building has been checked, and do not operate equipment until it has been determined functional.


In what areas would you take action and initiate spill clean up based on your training? 

If it needs to be addressed immediately in a high traffic area.