Emergency Order Types
Emergency Dialogs
General Knowledge
Scripting and Call Handling
Gas Facts
Random Knowledge

If a customer calls due a their meter being on Fire. What kind of Service Order is that?



"I think I smell something like rotten eggs in my garage. Is that Normal?"

What Emergency Order is this?

Odor Inside Order


In order to avoid damaging underground lines, Who do we recommend customers call prior to digging?

8-1-1 Call Before You Dig


Who can report Emergencies?

Anyone can call and report an emergency


What is the name of the Odorant added to Natural gas to give it that 'Rotten Egg' smell?



Carbon Monoxide is Lighter or Heavier than air?

Lighter than air


If a meter has been run over by a car. The Meter has been damaged and dragged into the road. There is exposed pipeline that has been damaged and is leaking gas. 

What Kind of Emergency Order will we create?

Meter Knock Down Order


"My meter is leaning to the side and I can smell gas. What should I do?"

What Emergency Order is This?

Meter Knock Down Order

What is one testing method technicians use when looking for a leak?

The Soap bubble test, the bar hole testing, the CGI indicator


If a call is disconnected after a customer reports an emergency but hasn't completed the scripting what should we do?

Create the Service Order with the information we have already gathered.


at 25%-30% of gas in the air can cause what Symptom's? 

Ringing ears, Euphoria, Unexplained behavior responses


What is the chemical sign for Carbon Dioxide? 



If Appliance Flames are larger than normal, The pilot lights won't shut off, or there are loud booming or clanging noises when the appliance kicks on are Indicators for what Emergency?

High Pressure- Pressure Complaint

"None of my Appliances will stay on? The pilot lights keep shutting off."

What Emergency Order is this?

Pressure Complaint/Low Pressure Order


What are some symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Posioning?


Give 5 or more Carbon Monoxide Symptoms

Headache, Upset Stomach, Vomiting, Dizziness, Weakness, Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Confusion, Fainting, or Death


If the caller cannot provide an exact address, we will use what to create the service order?

The Field Office Premise


What is a major Component of Natural Gas?


Natural Gas can be in How many forms?

3, Liquid, Gas, and Solid


Bubbling water in a ditch, Dirt blowing, pavement heaving or splitting are indicators for what Emergency?

A Hit Line


"I was installing my new driveway and now...I don't know what I did but I can smell gas and my yard is hissing at me!"

What kind of Emergency order does this dialog indicate?

A Hit Line


Incorrect or Poorly Handled Emergency Calls are reported to who?

The Public Utilities Commission


If a customer is calling regarding a high bill complaint and mentions that they have been smelling gas, What should we do next?

Create an emergency service order and request that the customer contact us back after emergency has been investigated and discuss the high bill issue at a later time.


at 50% gas accumulation in the air, what Symptoms can people experience?

After a few breath, an individual is confused, disoriented and unable to self rescue from the area (unconscious/immobile)


Natural gas is Highly BLANK, and accumulation can result in fire or explosion.



Changes in Vegetation or a heavy concentration of Insects can be a visual indication for what Order?

Odor Outside


"I found some soot and yellow staining around my Hot Water tank. I feel sick all of a sudden. What should I do?"

What Emergency Order is this?

Carbon Monoxide Order


How many EOP Response Levels does Summit Have?

3 Response Levels


What is the ETA for tech arrivals for Emergency orders?

We cannot provide an ETA for technicians. The nearest technician will be dispatched to the emergency premise


at 75% gas accumulation in the air what symptoms will a person experience?

Immediate incapacitation. Death will occur in minutes.


In the event that the customer is Not at home when they contact us regarding an emergency what should we do?

Create the Emergency service order and advise that if nobody is at the premise when the tech arrives he will turn off the gas for safety purposes.