Scene Size Up
Initial Assessment
Chief Complaint and Miscellaneous
Focused Assessment

he critical interval during which emergency personnel assess the situation and decide to initiate treatment or transport

What is the Platinum 10 minutes


On the AVPU scale, tell what "V" stands for and give and example of a patient that is demonstrating this level of consciousness. 

Verbal/Voice: Patient makes some kind of response when you talk

Patients that a Rapid Trauma Assessment should be done on.

What are patients with an MOI consistent with Trauma?

The alternate name for this and when is it done?

What is a Secondary Assessment, only done after life-threatening conditions have been addressed?


Anisocoria can be congenital or a sign of this condition.

What is a brain bleed/head trauma?


A set of infection control practices used in healthcare to reduce the risk of spreading diseases, including wearing nitrile gloves, gown, or protective barriers with CPR.

What are Standard Precautions


Four parts to forming a general impression

What are: 

- identify life-threatening conditions

- immobilize potential cervical spine injuries

- Rapidly assess for severe external bleeding

- Begin treatment immediately


The symptom or condition that is most serious and that is most concerning to the patient

What is Chief Complaint?


Explain how to assess perfusion and what abnormal findings are

What are capillary refill or pulse oximetry, skin color.  Abnormal cap refill >2sec, Pulse Ox <95%, skin pale and cool?


Acronym for a normal pupil reading

What is PEARL?


Initial contact with the patient in which provider gets an overview of patient’s general appearance and level of distress

What is General Impression?


The actions of the healthcare provider if a life-threatening condition is identified in the General Impression

What is activate EAP Immediately?


Give what the Acronym SAMPLE or OPQRST stands for (only one)

Signs/Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past Illnesses, Last oral intake, Events leading up to present injury/illness.

Onset, Provocation, Quality, Region/radiation, Severity, Time


Pain scales measure objective or subjective pain assessments (pick one)

What is subjective?

Four steps to the Reassessment.

What are 

  • Initial assessment

  • Baseline and serial vital signs

  • Chief complaint or new complaints

  • Response to treatment or interventions


Expression of an illness or disease and its meaning(s) to the patient and significant others.

What is Nature of Illness? (NOI)


Three ways to assess Airway and Breathing in the Primary Assessment

What are look, listen, and feel?


A head-tilt, chin lift maneuver should be done in this situation during the airway assessment

What is when there is no suspected cervical spine injury and the patient is unresponsive/unconscious during airway assessment. 


The blood pressure reading when the heart is contracting (systolic or diastolic)

What is systolic pressure?


Length of time vitals should be reassessed for stable and unstable patients

What is 15min for stable, 5 min for unstable.


Three considerations for rapid transport

  • Shortness of breath

  • Spine injury

  • Vision changes or difficulty

  • Vomiting that is severe or persistent

  • Head injury

  • Ingestion of poisonous or toxic substance

  • Loss of consciousness or fainting (syncope)

  • Pain that is sudden or severe

  • Unresponsiveness (no gag or cough reflex)

  • Responsive but not following commands

  • Mental status changes

  • Shock (hypoperfusion) or uncontrolled bleeding

  • Severe pain in any location or sudden onset of:

    • Abdominal pain or pressure 

    • Breathing that is abnormal, difficult, or painful

    • Chest pain with systolic BP <100 mm Hg

    • Choking

    • Coughing up or vomiting blood                 


Procedure for assessing circulation in the primary assessment, and also what to do if there is no circulation present.

What is check pulse at carotid or radial artery for a minimum of 5 seconds, maximum of 10 seconds with index and middle fingers.  If one cannot be found, initiate the EAP, call 911, begin CPR, and find AED as soon as possible?


This is how to assess for life-threatening bleeding

What is do a quick sweep with gloved hands over the body, checking for blood on gloves, stabilize the C-spine and log roll to assess the posterior aspect?

The normal vital signs for each of the following: blood pressure for adults, respirations, pulse

What are: 120/80, 12-20, 60-80?



In order, list the 5 main steps to an Emergency Examination and the main portions of each Step

See Board!!!